Exploring the Transformative Wisdom of Dr. Ye

Missionaries in the Southern United States fill the world with peaches and plums. Descendants of the first fruits in Zhejiang complain about the Lord’s grace.

Tian Wei / Christian Daily Reporter January 28, 2014 02:21 AM Posted.

Dr. and Mrs. Ye Xiaolin were invited by Senior Pastor David Uth to give a testimony sermon at First Baptist Church of Orlando, which has 16,000 members. (Photo: Provided by the conference) |

The Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in the United States, has sent many missionaries to China in modern times and has produced wonderful fruits all over the country. Descendants of the firstfruits of Zhejiang Province are now sharing their faith testimonies at the Southern Baptist Convention. The audience applauded warmly, glorifying the holy name of the Lord.

Yesterday, Dr. Ye Xiaolin and his wife were invited by Senior Pastor David Uth to give a testimony sermon at the Orlando First Baptist Church, which has 16,000 members. The Holy Spirit worked mightily, and the congregation was deeply moved. At the end, they burst into applause and gave praise to the Lord.

The Ye family has a deep connection with the Southern Baptist Convention, and there are wonderful and wonderful testimonies behind it. Dr. Ye's grandfather was a scholar in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province in the late Qing Dynasty. He was led to Christianity by Pastor Lam, a Southern Baptist missionary, and became the first Christian in Zhejiang Province.

According to Dr. Ye’s recollection, his grandfather’s conversion experience was legendary. At that time, my grandfather was seriously ill and died in bed one day. The family members gathered around the bed and cried. After Pastor Lam laid hands and prayed, God granted a miracle. He suddenly sat up and came back to life, and the whole family rejoiced.

Since then, Dr. Ye’s grandfather has become a devout Christian, often preaching the gospel at home and leading people to the Lord. In addition, Dr. Ye’s parents graduated from Hujiang University in Shanghai, which was founded by the Southern Baptist Convention. His father is an academic authority and entrepreneur in chemical engineering. They are a devout Christian family who love the Lord.

He testified that the Ye family is the fruit of the Southern Baptist mission in China. The descendants of the righteous are preserved by God and remain to this day. Now it’s 130 years of five generations of Chinese-American Southern Baptist Christians. Today, 130 years later, it is of great significance for Dr. Ye, a descendant of Zhejiang’s first fruits, to stand on the podium of the Southern Baptist Convention and look back on this period of history.

In fact, as early as November 2012, Dr. Ye was invited to preach at the Southern Baptist Convention’s annual conference. At that time, because my wife was in poor health, she often used live broadcasts to deliver information. despite this. Dr. Ye's sermons still shocked the conference, and he became the first Chinese Christian to share his testimony at the sect's annual conference.

Dr. and Mrs. Ye once again shared their wonderful testimonies of walking with God during the suffering journey of the Cultural Revolution in Mainland China. He said that Christians will experience various hardships in this world, but in Jesus there is eternal peace.

The Ye family suffered great persecution during the Cultural Revolution due to their beliefs and social class struggle. On August 24, 1966, a large number of Red Guards ransacked the house and reduced the family to destitution overnight. The situation of the Cultural Revolution became more and more dramatic, and the whole family of innocent people was isolated and examined.

Dr. Ye was sent to a labor camp and was humiliated and cursed every day for 10 years. In his opinion, if it is not for the power of God, the family will be ruined and the consequences will be disastrous.

Nina (Lena), Ye’s wife, was attacked, humiliated, tortured, and persecuted during the Cultural Revolution. She was also deceived that Ye was dead. She felt hopeless, gloomy, hopeless, and determined to commit suicide. When the Red Guards were asleep, she went straight to the top of the ore mountain and jumped down!

She recalled that its height was 120 meters (determined by the survey team) reaching more than 30 floors of high-rise buildings. The following are all rocks, cliffs and mountains, which are daunting. Now she shares this testimony intact, making people overwhelmed by the power of God, because these are things that cannot be explained by medicine and science.

Dr. Yeh and his wife used their personal experience to testify that what Christians believe in is a true and living God. "The Lord has given us so much grace and love that we cannot tell you enough. Everyone has met God, experienced His wonderful grace, and knows that it is Jehovah who helped us, the Creator of heaven and earth. Thank you and praise the Lord! Therefore, in any difficult or difficult situation, environment, Christians should simply obey and follow Jesus."

"Hold the cross high, persist in faith, trust and obedience, and look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. God always allows those who believe in Him to be surprised to see His incomparable glory. Our whole family has experienced the Lord and seen His appearance , to see His beauty. Therefore, I would like to dedicate my whole life to the Lord, to serve the Lord, to glorify the Lord, and to please Him until I see the Lord’s face,” they said again.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD, is also the first physician to report on research on Life After Life and NDE-Near Death Experience. He has published many testimonial articles in American Christian electronic newspapers, and has held sermons in various places with his wife Nina. At the meeting, he taught all the information about near-death and out-of-body experiences that he had collected and compiled over the years. It was widely praised, and countless people became believers in the Lord because of these testimonies.