Dr. John Yeh's Good Message

Orlando Chinese Evangelical Church, Orlando Chinese Baptist Church and Orlando Taifu Christian Church jointly held a evangelistic meeting, inviting Dr. Ye Xiaolin and his wife to share "Eternal Life" at Winter Springs, Willow Creek Church at 2 pm on February 14

Orlando Chinese Evangelical Church, Orlando Chinese Baptist Church and Orlando Taifu Christian Church jointly held an evangelistic meeting, and invited Dr. Ye Xiaolin and his wife to share "Eternal Life" at Winter Springs, Willow Creek Church at 2 pm on February 14th. This evangelistic event attracted many believers and friends from Chinese churches in Orlando and other Central Florida, and the number of people exceeded expectations. The message and testimonies of Dr. Yeh and his wife held up the cross, which shocked the hearts of the people. They let the attendees understand that "death is not the end of life, there is life after death", and brought them to the Lord Jesus Christ to accept the salvation of His cross. Enjoy eternal life.

Dr. Ye first used Bible verses to introduce the salvation of the Lord Jesus to the audience through the cross. Everyone in the world has sinned, but those who confess their sins, repent, and accept the salvation of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ can be reborn and saved.

"God has given us His Spirit, and from this we know that we abide in Him, and He dwells in us." (1 John 4:13) "He who is united to the Lord is one spirit with the Lord." (1 Cor 6:17) We are united with the life of the resurrected Christ. Therefore, our life is eternal life. “It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” (Gal. 2:20).

In 1975, Dr. Moody was the first to compile the experiences of 150 patients who were near death and published "Life After Life". After most of the dying recovered, their lives were greatly changed. Their lives were filled with hope and love, and glorified the name of God. An estimated 15 million people in the United States have had a near-death experience. In 2010, he discovered the new Share Death Expierence, witnessing many healthy family members share the true and credible vision of their loved ones passing away and going to heaven, confirming that life continues to exist after life ends. A large number of facts and research data prove that it is absolutely true that people have souls. After death, there is not only life, but also heaven and hell. Therefore, we must clarify the destination of our soul.

The video was played at the conference. George Ritchie, M.D. President of the Richmond Physician Society died in a febrile coma in 1934 at the age of 20. His soul left his body, met the resurrected Christ, and saw heaven. Maurice Rawlings, M.D., is personal physician and professor of medicine to President Eisenhower and Chief of Staff. He studies patients who have died suddenly, questioning them immediately after successful resuscitation. It turned out that many patients had experienced going to hell. Recently, the movie "Heaven is Real" filmed by Hollywood was shown, describing a 4-year-old child named Colton Burpo, whose soul left the body during an emergency operation, entered heaven, and saw the wonderful experience of Jesus. Many patients' souls left their bodies, met Christ, and truly saw heaven and hell. So we must seriously consider our eternal destiny.

The Ye family encountered great persecution during the Cultural Revolution. In the dark night, God intimately said to Dr. Ye: Lift up your eyes to the mountains, where will your help come from? Your help will come from the Lord who made the heaven and the earth. After 43 years, God’s promises have never been broken. They have experienced many miracles and miracles, and they have survived from desperate situations and turned dangers into disasters. They really know that the Lord is in us and He will always be with us. God is Almighty and He controls all things. During the Cultural Revolution, Mrs. Ye was attacked, humiliated, tortured and persecuted, and she lied to Ye that she was dead.
She was completely hopeless, hopeless, and determined to commit suicide. When the Red Guards were asleep, they went straight to the top of the ore mountain and jumped down. Its height is 360 meters, reaching more than 30 floors of high-rise buildings.

It's full of rocks, steep cliffs, and daunting. God performed a miracle and was neither dead nor disabled, which cannot be explained by medical science. Therefore, in any difficult and difficult environment, as long as you persist in your faith, trust and obey, and follow the Lord Jesus closely, God will always let those who trust in Him see His incomparable glory in amazement.

Both Dr. Yeh and Lena's family are three generations of Christians. For more than 130 years, God's promise has never been broken. Although the Ye family walked through the valley of the shadow of death, they encountered great suffering. and have no fear of evil, for God is with them. Their experience shows that all surrounding circumstances are not hopeless, as long as there is faith, He will never fail. The way of the cross is the only way to sanctification. All things are possible with God, and He always brings trials to strengthen our faith, grow our spiritual life, and receive His glorious blessings. He is trustworthy and reliable. We live in the Lord, and the Lord lives in us. We have eternal life, so we are full of hope, and we run straight toward the goal until we meet the Lord.

After the message was shared, the whole congregation sang "The most beautiful blessing in this life is to know the Lord Jesus..." Accompanied by the moving singing, many catechumens came to the stage and decided to follow the Lord Jesus, The scene is very touching. Then, the pastor prayed and blessed, drawing a successful conclusion to the evangelistic meeting. The number of people participating in this evangelistic meeting is large, and many souls have been won for the Lord. I wish to give all the glory to the Lord Jesus.

Missions in the South of the United States are full of peaches and plums, and the descendants of early-ripe fruits in Zhejiang complained to the Lord

The Southern Baptist Church, the largest Protestant denomination in the United States, has sent many missionaries to China in modern times, and they have produced beautiful fruits all over China. The descendants of the firstfruits of Zhejiang Province are now sharing their faith testimony in the Southern Baptist Church. Yesterday, Dr. Ye Xiaolin and his wife were invited by Senior Pastor David Uth to give a testimony sermon at the Orlando First Baptist Church, which has 16,000 members. The Holy Spirit worked so powerfully that the congregation was deeply moved. At the end, there was thunderous applause and praise to the Lord. The Ye family has a long history with the Southern Baptist Church, and there is a beautiful and wonderful testimony behind it. Dr. Ye's grandfather was a scholar in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province in the late Qing Dynasty. He was led to Christianity by Pastor Lam, a Southern Baptist missionary, and became the first Christian in Zhejiang Province. According to Dr. Ye's recollection, the experience of his grandfather's conversion was legendary. At that time, my grandfather was seriously ill and died in bed one day. The family members gathered around the bed and cried. After Pastor Lam laid hands and prayed, God granted a miracle. He suddenly sat up and came back to life, and the whole family rejoiced. Since then, Dr. Yeh's grandfather has become a devout Christian, often preaching the gospel at home and leading people to the Lord. In addition, Dr. Yeh's parents are graduates of Hujiang University founded by the Southern Baptist Church in Shanghai. His father is an academic authority and entrepreneur in chemical engineering. They are a devout Christian family who love the Lord. He testified that the Ye family is the fruit of the mission of the Southern Baptist Church in China. The descendants of the righteous are preserved by God and remain to this day. Now five generations of Chinese-American Christians in the Southern Baptist Convention over the past 130 years. Today, 130 years later, it is also of great significance for Dr. Ye, a descendant of Zhejiang Firstfruits, to stand on the podium of the Southern Baptist Church and recall this period of history.


In fact, as early as November 2012, Dr. Yeh was invited to speak at the annual conference of the Southern Baptist Convention. At that time, due to the poor health of the teacher's wife, the form of webcast was widely used to convey information. despite this. Dr. Yeh's sermon still shocked the conference, and he became the first Chinese Christian to share his testimony at the denomination's annual meeting. This time, Dr. Yeh and his wife once again shared their wonderful testimony of walking with God during the suffering journey of the Cultural Revolution in mainland China. He said that Christians will experience all kinds of sufferings in this world, but in Jesus there is eternal peace. The Ye family suffered great persecution during the Cultural Revolution due to their beliefs and social class struggle. On August 24, 1966, a large number of Red Guards ransacked the house and reduced the family to destitution overnight. The situation of the Cultural Revolution became more and more dramatic, and the whole family of innocent people was isolated and examined. Dr. Ye was sent to a labor camp and was humiliated and cursed every day for 10 years. In his opinion, if it were not for the power of God, his family would be destroyed, and the consequences would be disastrous. Nina (Lena), Ye’s wife, was attacked, humiliated, tortured and persecuted during the Cultural Revolution. She was also told that Ye was dead. She was so disheartened, in the dark, with no hope, that she decided to commit suicide. When the Red Guards were sleeping, she went straight to the top of the ore mountain and jumped down! She recalled that its height was 120 meters (measured by the survey team), reaching more than the 30th floor of a high-rise building. Below are all rocks and steep cliffs, which are intimidating. Now she shares this testimony intact, which makes people impressed by the power of God, because these are things that cannot be explained by medicine and science. Dr. and Mrs. Ye use their personal experience to testify that what Christians believe in is the true and living God. "The Lord has given us so much grace and love that we cannot tell you enough. Everyone has met God, experienced His wonderful grace, and knows that it is Jehovah who helped us, the Creator of heaven and earth. Thank you and praise the Lord! Therefore, in any difficult or difficult situation, In the environment, Christians should just obey and follow Jesus." "Hold the cross high, insist on faith, trust and obedience, and look to Jesus as the author and finisher of our faith. God always allows those who believe in Him to be surprised to see His incomparable power. Glory. Our whole family has experienced the Lord, seen His appearance, and seen His beauty. Therefore, we are willing to dedicate our lives to the Lord, serve the Lord, glorify the Lord, and please Him until we see the face of the Lord." They also explain. Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD, is also the first physician to report on research on Life After Life and NDE-Near Death Experience. He has published many testimonial articles in American Christian electronic newspapers, and has held sermons in various places with his wife Nina. At the meeting, he taught all the information about near-death and out-of-body experiences that he had collected and compiled over the years. It was widely praised, and countless people became believers in the Lord because of these testimonies.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin and his wife join hands in Xinzhou to witness "God's presence"

Yesterday, Dr. Ye Xiaolin, a doctor of medicine, and his wife held an evangelistic meeting at the China Overseas Missionary Association's Ze En Hall to witness "the presence of God". More than 300 people attended, and many friends were moved to convert to the Lord.

During his sermons, Dr. Ye emphasized the cross of Jesus, urging people to repent, accept the salvation of Jesus, and gain eternal life. He first declared that the resurrected Christ solved the two most important problems of sin and death for mankind.

Rebirth is when God changes a sinner, washes away all his filth, and then the Holy Spirit enters his heart and gives him a new life. This is a complete change of the whole person, from the inside out, and the reconstruction of a new life. Through regeneration, one can pass from death to life and obtain eternal life.

How to obtain eternal life? He said the first step was to make a full confession. Repent and rehabilitate, repent. Believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins, believe that God raised Him from the dead, and accept the salvation of Jesus Christ on the cross with faith. And trust and receive Him as your Savior.

Dr. Ye also used the true testimonies of Pastor Shi Qisheng, the founder of the Chinese Mission Association, and George Muller, the great man of faith in modern times, to express the presence of God. He also used his own personal experience to testify that God is real and living, and that the greatest blessing in life is to be with the Lord.

Later, Mrs. Ye and Sister Nina shared her latest touching testimony. On September 12 last year, Mrs. Ye suffered a sudden stroke, leaving her left side hemiplegic and unable to speak clearly. The consequences were serious and unpredictable. She encountered severe trials again, but she was full of confidence and took it calmly, convinced that God would have good intentions for her.

Everything God does is perfect. Mrs. Ye experienced God’s miraculous presence during her suffering and recovered quickly in a short period of time without any sequelae. She was grateful to God for healing her again.

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Now Mrs. Ye can stand in front of everyone and give a beautiful testimony for the Lord, which has deeply moved many people. Through her, they can see that God is real and alive. As a result, many people shed tears, and the senior pastor also came on stage to express his gratitude with tears. Everyone responded enthusiastically, and many people decided to believe in the Lord.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin: The presence of God

Author: Dr. Ye Xiaolin

"Jesus answered and said to them, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God... That which is born of flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. I say, you must be born again ’” (John 3:1-7)

"If the Spirit of God dwells in you, you are not of the flesh, but of the Spirit; and if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not of Christ" (Romans 8:1-14)

"He is with you forever. The Holy Spirit of truth...is with you and will be in you...you are in me and I am in you." (John 14:16-20)

“We know that we abide in Him, and He in us, because God has given us His Spirit.” (1 John 4:13)

The resurrected Christ solved the two most important problems of sin and death for mankind. Rebirth is when God changes a sinner, washes away all his filth, and then the Holy Spirit enters his heart and gives him a new life. This is a complete change of the whole person, from the inside out, and the reconstruction of a new life. Through regeneration, one can pass from death to life and obtain eternal life. (John 5:24, 1 John 2:24,25)

First we should make a thorough confession. Repent and rehabilitate, repent. Believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, believe that God raised him from the dead, and accept the salvation of the cross of Jesus Christ with faith. And trust (Saving Faith) to receive Him as our

Pastor Shi Qisheng, the founder of the Chinese Overseas Missionary Society, was clever and agile, scheming, stubborn and ignorant since he was a child, and he refused to obey his mother's teachings and refused to believe in the Lord. In the autumn of 1934, when he was 14 years old, his family forced him to listen to Dr. Song Shangjie's sermon. He was distracted and just wanted to escape. Suddenly Dr. Song pointed to him and said, "Lazarus come out! You are dead, smelly, and tied up with a cloth. The Lord Jesus commanded you to come out! Quickly come out of the tomb!" He immediately felt a strong light shining on him, The Holy Spirit entered his heart and made him see his filth, sin, unbearable smell, and uselessness, so he wept bitterly and followed the crowd to the stage to confess and repent. He accepted the salvation of the cross of Jesus Christ, God gave him a new life, he was born again.

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In the past, we lived in sins and transgressions, but Jesus Christ saved us and freed us from the bondage and bondage of the forces of darkness, so that we can enjoy the light, freedom, joy and peace of a new life. A person who has been saved and regenerated by grace has two different lives inside. One is born from the flesh, which is fleshly and soulish, and is called the "outer man". The other is the spiritual life born of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God dwells in the human spirit, that is, the "inner man". (Inner Man 4:16)

We have an experience of being saved by grace, that is, we truly experience the Lord Jesus Christ ourselves and truly know that we have the life of God within us. Each of us Christians can encounter God and experience God’s presence.

I often use this analogy: After we are regenerated and saved, the Holy Spirit lives in us. That is to say, computers and iPhones must have electricity to access the Internet. We can communicate with God at any time. God knows our thoughts and needs, and will speak to us and guide us in the way we should go. (This electricity is the inner Holy Spirit).

"If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and the new has come." (2 Corinthians 5:17)

We are in a spiritual union with Christ, regenerated by the Holy Spirit, "the Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God." (Romans 8:14, 16) "God sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying Abba Father". (Galatians 4:6) We will feel how close the relationship between God the Father and ourselves is, "he who is united to the Lord is one spirit with the Lord". (1 Corinthians 6:17) We are united with the resurrection life of Christ, therefore, "I no longer live, but Christ lives in me" (Galatians 2:20).

"He who obeys God's commands lives in God, and God lives in him. We know that God lives in us because of the Holy Spirit who has given us." (1 John 3:24)

People who are regenerated by the Holy Spirit will definitely have changes in their lives, manifested in: interest in spiritual things: love to read the Bible, pray, meet and fellowship. The Holy Spirit guides us to read the Bible, listen to His teachings and rebukes, and seek God's will. God speaks to us in the Spirit so that we experience His presence. Prayer is to get close to God, to call on God, and to have intimate interaction with the Lord. If we ask according to His will, He will answer. We will inevitably encounter many sufferings, illnesses, and worries in our lives, and we need to come to God for prayer. Appropriate wisdom, knowledge, and ability from God to deal with various things and make correct judgments and decisions. God uses the environment and the church to reveal His will and guide us in our direction. But it must be based on the truth of the Bible. All of our experiences must be tested against the Bible to determine whether they are correct. The author has experienced many situations where God used circumstances to lead. If we pray persistently in everything, God will have His good purpose fulfilled in us. Everything God gives us is the best.

"When He comes, He will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment." (John 16:8) “The Spirit and the flesh lust against each other, so that we cannot do what we want to do.” (Gal. 5:17) Our sensitivity to sin increases; and there is the peace of forgiveness of sins. (Luke 7:48-50)

The world outlook, values and outlook on life have all undergone fundamental changes. Have a new spiritual life.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin and his wife shared their testimonies from the Southern Baptist Convention, shocking the audience and making history

Dr. Ye Xiaolin and his wife recently shared their wonderful testimony at the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention through online video, and encouraged all the co-workers and believers to follow the Lord closely as soldiers of Christ and live a victorious life. The conference received enthusiastic response and rave reviews.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin, a doctor of medicine, was the first physician to report on Life After Life and Near Death Experience (NDE-Near Death Experience). Evangelistic meetings were held in various places, and the information on near-death and out-of-body experiences that I had collected and sorted out for many years was shared, which was widely praised, and countless people believed in the Lord because of these testimonies.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin is honored to be invited to share his testimony at this year’s Southern Baptist Convention conference. It is reported that Dr. Ye is the first Chinese Christian in the history of the Southern Baptist Convention to share his testimony at the annual meeting of the denomination, which is of great historical significance.

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has 16 million members and is the largest Protestant denomination in the United States with conservative beliefs. Dr. Ye's family has certain historical connections with the Southern Baptist Convention.

According to Dr. Ye, Dr. Ye’s grandfather was a scholar and landlord in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province in the late Qing Dynasty 120 years ago. He was led by Pastor Lam of the Southern Baptist Church to believe in the Lord and became the first Christian in Zhejiang Province. In addition, Dr. Ye’s parents both graduated from Hujiang University in Shanghai, which was founded by the Southern Baptist Convention.

From November 12th to 13th, at the 2012 Southern Baptist Convention held by Orlando First Baptist Church, a super church with 16,000 members, Dr. Ye and his wife were invited to share their testimonies. For the first time in the sect’s history, Chinese believers were invited to serve as conference speakers.

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Dr. Ye and his wife originally planned to go to the conference in person to share their testimony. However, due to Dr. Ye's poor health, they used a live broadcast online to deliver the message. However, the entire sermon was filled with the presence of God, which greatly encouraged the 1,050 pastoral staff present and the thousands of believers who listened to the testimonies online.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin's testimony is full of legend and makes people never tire of hearing it. In this sermon for the co-workers and brothers and sisters of the Southern Baptist Church in the United States, Dr. Ye focused on cultivating the spirit, emphasizing that Christians are committed to serving and practicing their faith in their lives.

Dr. Ye emphasized that Christianity is not a religion, but a belief; what Christians believe in is the Savior Jesus Christ, and they establish an intimate relationship with God. Christians worship the true, living and loving God the Father. Because He gives us abundant life, eternal life.

He also reminded everyone that Christians simply obey and follow Jesus. Loyalty to God alone, above all else. Christians will experience spiritual warfare, so everyone must be a good soldier of Christ, hold high the cross, march forward bravely, and fight the good battle for truth and faith.

Later, Dr. Ye and his wife shared their testimonies to verify God’s power and faithfulness. The Ye family suffered great persecution due to their beliefs and social class during the Cultural Revolution. Countless Christians were brutally tortured and killed. Red terror enveloped the whole country. In the dark night, God intimately said to Dr. Ye, "You must raise your eyes to the mountains. Where will your help come from? Your help will come from the Lord who made the heaven and the earth."

After 43 years, God’s permission has never failed. Although Dr. Ye walked through the valley of the shadow of death, he was not afraid of suffering because God was with him, and the Ye family has always experienced God’s walk.

Dr. Yeh, who has experienced countless tribulations, also shared, "We know that the Lord lives in us, and He will always be with us. We are in Christ, and Christ is in us. The Lord continues to change us and grind us into the image of Christ, Be in the character of Christ. We know that God is Almighty, omnipotent, and has control over all things.”

Mrs. Ye’s mother Nina (Lena) explained her miracle testimony at the conference and was extremely moved. During the Cultural Revolution, she was attacked and humiliated, tortured and persecuted, and lied that Ye was dead. She was completely hopeless, hopeless and determined to commit suicide. When the Red Guards were asleep, they went straight to the top of the ore mountain and jumped down. Its height is 120 meters (measured by the survey team), reaching more than 30 floors of a high-rise building. It's all rocky, steep cliffs, and daunting.

God performed a miracle and saved Lena. She was neither dead nor disabled. This is something that medical science cannot explain. Therefore, in any difficult and difficult environment, Christians should persevere in their faith, trust and obey. God always surprises those who believe in Him to see His incomparable glory.

Dr. Ye and his wife said that their testimony truly proves the power of God. Their experiences illustrate that all surrounding circumstances are not without hope. As long as you have faith, He will never break His faith. "With God all things are possible, and He always turns trials into opportunities for our spiritual growth and into His glorious blessings."

“Let us lift our eyes to the Lord Jesus, take up His cross, and follow the Lord Jesus closely. He will help and lead us to live a victorious life.”

The conference made a DVD of the testimony of Dr. Yeh and his wife and distributed it to the participants. Interested readers can watch Dr. and Mrs. Yip's wonderful testimonies online at www.FirstOrlando.com or www.FLBaptist.org.

risen christ

Author: Dr. Ye Xiaolin

God so loved the world that he gave his
only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

The Lord Jesus Christ is resurrected! The most powerful evidence is that Christ is still alive today. Anyone who confesses his sins, repentes, and believes that Jesus died on the cross for our sins must accept the salvation of the cross of Jesus Christ with faith. After we are reborn and saved, the Holy Spirit enters our hearts, and God gives us a new life. Christians all over the world can bear the same testimony. We have experienced the resurrected Savior and become children of God. We love to sing the hymn "Because He Lives": "...I know that He controls tomorrow; life is full of hope, just because He lives." Christians have a close personal relationship with the Lord Jesus, can know Him, and can Commune with Him; He answers our prayers, nourishes our hungry souls, and transforms our lives into the image of Christ. The leaders of other religions are dead and buried, and people can no longer have relationships with the dead. Our Lord is the living God. He will guide us on the path we should take, lead us through hardships and hardships, comfort our hurting hearts, and give us joy and peace.

Jesus taught: I tell you the truth, unless a person is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. …That which is born of flesh is flesh; that which is born of spirit is spirit. You must be born again. (John 3: 3-7)

If the Spirit of God dwells in you, you are no longer of the flesh but of the Spirit. If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. (Romans 8:9)

He who keeps the commandments of God abides in God, and God abides in him. We know that God lives in us because of the Holy Spirit He has given us. (1 John 3:24)

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The resurrected Christ solved the two greatest problems of mankind, sin and death. In the past, we lived in sins and transgressions, but Jesus Christ saved us from the bondage and bondage of the power of darkness. From then on, we were able to enjoy the light, freedom, joy and peace of a new life. A person who has been saved and regenerated by grace has two different lives within him. One is the fleshly and soulful life born from the flesh, which is called the "outer man." The other is the spiritual life born of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God dwells in the human spirit, that is, the "inner man".

God has given us a new life, a life that overcomes sin and death, and is the life of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. "I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me" (Galatians 2:20).

We have an experience of being saved by grace, which is that we truly experience the Lord Jesus Christ ourselves, truly know that we have the life of God within us, and establish a direct and intimate personal relationship with the Lord. Each of us Christians can meet God and experience God's presence.

I often make this analogy: We live on this earth. After we are reborn and saved, the Holy Spirit lives inside us. Wearing a Transceiver, we can communicate with God and send spiritual messages to God at any time. God knows our thoughts and needs, and will speak to us and guide us in the way we should go. The other side is the central console, fully aware of all my situation in the space ball. The key is to wear a Transceiver and a battery (this electricity comes from the power source, that is, the inner Holy Spirit = the Spirit of God). Another example is that computers and iPhones need to be powered to access the Internet.

Charles G. Finney (1792-1875), he was a lawyer, busy with official business. On October 10, 1821, he stayed alone in his office to pray and pour out his heart to God. Then I walked into the back room. There were no lights in the room, but it was extremely bright. After closing the door and entering the room, he suddenly met the Lord Jesus face to face. He stood and stared at him. Finney immediately knelt down at the Lord's feet and burst into tears. His tears flowed and he could not stop himself for a long time. When he regained his composure and returned to the front room to sit down, he was again poured out by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit descended and he received God's great grace. The fire of love burned his heart, and his joy was beyond words.

According to his autobiography: He had never heard of the Holy Spirit and its filling. Until night, my heart was filled with God’s great grace and love, and I was so filled with joy that I couldn’t fall asleep. When he woke up the next morning, the sun shone and the Holy Spirit was given again. He cried with joy, fell down in worship, and praised and gave thanks. He was filled with the Holy Spirit and had no more doubts. He also truly understood the essence of justification by faith. Near 10 o'clock, colleagues came to ask him to go to court to hear the case. He answered: From now on I am an ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ. He knew that he was called by God to preach the gospel.

Since then, he has preached throughout the United States, leading more than 500,000 people to repent and be reborn and accept Christ in the past 50 years. At that time, the population of the United States was only 10 million. People call him the father of the revival of the American church, and he is the greatest evangelist and revivalist in the history of the American church. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, church revival spread to many other countries.

Song Shangjie (1901-1943) came to the United States in 1923, obtained a Ph.D. in chemistry from Ohio State University, and then entered Union Theological Seminary in New York. On the night of February 10, 1927, he prayed desperately with tears. Starting at 10 o'clock in the evening, he humbly knelt under the cross, asking the Lord to wash away all his unrighteousness with the precious blood. "Son, your sins are forgiven." He saw the Lord Jesus himself, with a glowing face and nail-scarred hands, and said to him, "You will change your name to John." He called him to be one of the pioneers to announce that the kingdom of heaven was at hand. , the message that the Lord will come soon.

Dr. Song Shangjie was called by God to return to China to preach the gospel. On the way home, he threw his Ph.D. degree and the Golden Key Honorary Medal that he had obtained in the United States into the sea, and prayed in tears: "God! Please save my compatriots. I am determined to preach in China even if I die. As long as my compatriots Even if I am saved, I am willing to die.” After returning to China, he did his best to spread the Gospel, and his footprints spread all over the country and Southeast Asia, with fruitful results. He is a particularly important servant of God, and he ignited the revival of the Chinese church with his life.

The Ye family is a wealthy and comfortable Christian family. The father is an entrepreneur, an academic authority, and has overseas relatives. They were the key targets of the Cultural Revolution. On August 24, 1966, a large number of Red Guards ransacked the house and reduced the family to destitution overnight. The situation of the Cultural Revolution became more and more dramatic, and the whole family of innocent people was isolated and examined. On the morning of October 7, 1968, my heart was heavy, I was extremely distressed, and I was helpless. I was praying, and suddenly I met the Lord Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, filled with joy, and kept praising. At that time, God said clearly, "Lift your eyes to the mountain , from where does your help come, from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.” After 10 months in prison, I told my mother this and she said it was from Psalm 121. I have been a Christian since I was a child, but I have never read this passage of the Bible, which proves that what I have heard is indeed the word given to me by God.

In 1970, Nina was ordered to go to Luoshan with the students to be isolated and reformed through labor. She has a lively and straightforward personality, but suddenly she is treated like this, and she is often insulted and scolded, filled with resentment, complaining that the sky should not be answered, that she has nowhere to go, life is better than death. He also lied to me that I was dead. In a panic, all thoughts were lost and he thought of committing suicide. On May 12, he was escorted to the auditorium to criticize the struggle. He passed the ore mountain. This mountain has been blasted for more than 30 years. It is a rocky abyss. Nina thought that if she jumped off this mountain, she would die.

So I prayed to God that night, engraved a cross and the words "Father's Mercy" on my chest, went straight to the top of the ore mountain, and jumped off the top of the mountain. Its height is 120 meters deep, which is more than 30 floors of high-rise buildings. , it is all rocky and steep, and it is intimidating to look at. After that, he was unconscious. When he woke up, he was rescued by medical staff. At that time, his flesh and blood were bloody and his skull was ruptured. The teachers, students and staff could no longer recognize who it was. God worked a miracle and saved Nina. To jump from such a high mountain without dying or becoming disabled is beyond the reach of medical science. The Lord demonstrated the power of His resurrection, showing that He is the God who resurrected from the dead. We have all met God, experienced His wonderful grace, and know that the one who helps us is the Lord who created the heaven and the earth. Hallelujah! thank God! Thank God!

"If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who indwells you" (Rom. 8:11)

My family has suffered a lot. The younger brother was imprisoned, the whole family was quarantined, the farm was reformed through labor, the work unit was reformed, vicious attacks every day, criticism and whipping, mental and physical damage. Stormy storm, turbulent sea, a lone boat, wandering and wandering, spent 10 long years in despair and darkness. If it is not for the power of God, the family will be destroyed and the consequences will be unimaginable. We all have the life of the resurrected Christ, and the power of the resurrection of Christ. He keeps us safe in His mighty arms, and those who trust and look to Him will see glory. God the Father is faithful and just, and the abundance of grace bestowed by the Lord is beyond description. The resurrected Savior saved my family. Our whole family experienced the Lord, saw His appearance, and saw His beauty. We are willing to dedicate our lives to the Lord, to serve the Lord, to glorify the Lord, to please Him, until we meet the Lord.

"O Lord, thy steadfast love reaches up to the heavens, thy faithfulness reaches to the firmament." (Psalm 36:5)

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for you are with me. Your rod and your staff comfort me. You prepare a table for me before my enemies. You anoint me with oil my head, and make my cup overflow; goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." (Psalm 23:4-6)

Make me know Christ, and know the power of His resurrection,...and I will be raised from the dead.  …I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. ” (Philippians 3:10-11, 4:13)

The resurrection power of Jesus Christ is something every believer can experience. We rely on the Lord, with the help of faith and the Holy Spirit, to experience the power of Christ's
resurrection every day and live a victorious life. (Ephesians 2:5-6; Colossians 3:1-6)

"Firstfruits" means the first to be the example or the pioneer. Since Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead and defeated the devil, he has opened a way of resurrection for all of us who believe in Him. At the same time, we can have the same experience that Jesus overcame sin and the authority of death. (1 Corinthians 15:20-23)

That is, according to the mighty power which he worked in Christ, raised him from the dead, and seated him at his right hand in heaven above all principalities, powers, might, dominions, and every name that is named ; not only in this world, but in the world to come. And put all things under His feet... (Ephesians 1:20-23)

Dr. Ye Xiaolin preached "the resurrected Christ" in New York and led many people to the Lord

Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD, and his wife held a "Resurrected Christ" evangelistic conference at the Chinese Overseas Missionary Association in Chinatown, New York, last Sunday. The two speakers used the way of life of the resurrected Christ and the legendary experience of resurrection from the dead to witness the power of Jesus' resurrection. Finally, Lead more than 30 people to the Lord.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD, is the first physician to report on research on Life After Life and NDE-Near Death Experience. He has published many testimonial articles in American Christian electronic newspapers and traveled around the country to hold evangelistic meetings. The materials on near-death and out-of-body experiences that I have collected and organized for many years have been widely praised by readers, and countless people have believed in the Lord because of these testimonies.

In recent years, Dr. Ye Xiaolin has come to New York many times to preach, including at Queens Christian Evangelical Church, New York Chinatown Bread of Life Church, and New York River of Life Bread of Life Church. Each gathering has received rave reviews and has led many people to the Lord. under the name.

The "Resurrected Christ" evangelism conference held at the China Overseas Missionary Alliance once again continued the past achievements in evangelism. According to a colleague in charge of the evangelistic department of the China Propaganda Association, the number of people who came before this evangelistic meeting and decided to follow the Lord was the largest in the church in the past 24 years, leaving an indelible impression on people.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin's sermons are based on the Bible, exalting Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Coupled with his numerous and wonderful testimonies of near-death and out-of-body experiences, as well as his and his wife's legendary resurrection experiences, the sermons were even better.

Dr. Ye said in his sermon that life is full of adversities, including natural disasters, man-made disasters, diseases, unemployment and other kinds of pain and troubles. However, all the believers encounter are due to God’s arrangement and permission, and the purpose is to benefit us. .

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The indwelling Christ is the abundant life of Christians, possesses transcendent power, and is the strength for believers to cope with all difficulties. The Lord said: "My grace is sufficient for you", so no matter how difficult the environment is and how painful the encounter is, the Lord's grace is sufficient for Christians. "Let us experience God, trust in him, experience his presence, and in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."

Then, Dr. Ye used his personal experience to testify that what Christians believe in is a true and living God, and the greatest blessing in life is to know the Lord Jesus. The Ye family was originally a wealthy and comfortable Christian family, but unfortunately they became the key targets of the Cultural Revolution. On August 24, 1966, a large number of Red Guards ransacked the house and reduced the family to destitution overnight.

The situation of the Cultural Revolution intensified. In September 1968, the whole family of the innocent people who had no chance were isolated and examined. They were imprisoned and imprisoned. Dr. Ye was isolated in the hospital. He was extremely depressed and suffered great suffering for 10 years.

In 1970, Dr. Ye's wife Nina accompanied the students to Luoshan for isolation and reform-through-labor. She was often humiliated and cursed, filled with anger, yelling at heaven and earth, and had no way out. Life was worse than death. He also lied to Dr. Ye that he was dead. In a panic, all thoughts were lost and he thought of committing suicide.

On May 12, Nina was escorted to the auditorium to criticize the struggle. She passed the ore mountain, which has been exploited for more than 30 years. Above the first floor, Nina sneaked out after the Red Guards fell asleep, went straight to the top of the ore mountain, and jumped down from the top of the mountain, and then fell unconscious.

Nina was rescued by medical staff when she woke up, her flesh was bloody and her skull was ruptured. God worked a miracle and saved Nina. Jumping from such a high mountain top, you must be smashed to pieces, and you will undoubtedly die.

"42 years have passed, and Nina is still active and healthy. This is something science cannot explain. The Lord has demonstrated His power, showing that He is the God who resurrects the dead. We can only praise and thank God." Dr. Ye testified.

The resurrected Savior saved the Ye family, allowing them to experience the presence of God and the power of His resurrection. Today, anyone who accepts Jesus as their personal Savior can be saved and born again. Dr. Yeh said, "He keeps us safe in His mighty arms. Those who trust and look up to Him will see glory. God the Father is faithful and righteous, and the abundance of grace and love bestowed by the Lord is beyond description."

Dr. Ye shared the meaning of rebirth, "Rebirth is God changing a sinner and giving us a new life of the resurrected Christ. This is a complete life change from the inside out. Through rebirth, we become new creations in Christ. people."

"Therefore, all Christians have the life of the resurrected Christ and the power of the resurrection of Christ, and every Christian can testify that Jesus is the resurrected Savior."

In the end, under Dr. Ye's call, friends of catechumens from the audience came to the front of the stage like a tide and made up their minds to turn to the Lord. The scene was touching.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin and his wife preached in New York and touched many people to the Lord

Doctor of Medicine Ye Xiaolin and his wife held the "Eternal Life" evangelistic meeting at the River of Life Church in New York last Sunday. host.

Ye Xiaolin, M.D., is the first physician to report Raymond Moody, MD's near-death experience NDE and soul out-of-body research in Chinese. He has published many articles in American Christian e-newspapers, in which he has collected and sorted out the materials of near-death and out-of-body experiences for many years. He has been widely praised by readers and led many friends to the Lord.

Last Sunday at the evangelistic meeting at River of Life Church in New York, Dr. Ye shared the message of the salvation of Jesus Christ with everyone, and led everyone to accept Jesus as their personal Savior and enjoy eternal and abundant life.

He said, "Eternal life is Christ; we share His own life through mystical union with Christ. Knowing God, knowing Christ, is eternal life. We have an experience of salvation by grace, which is our own real experience. Lord Jesus Christ, having established a direct, intimate personal relationship with the Lord, knowing that we have eternal life within us, we can henceforth enjoy the light, freedom, joy and peace of a new life.”

Both meetings were full of grace, and the speaker’s message was deeply rooted in people’s hearts. In the end, many people decided to believe in the Lord. The church pastors and believers present offered their sincere blessings to the friends who had just believed in the Lord. The scene was touching.

eternal and abundant life

Author: Dr. Ye Xiaolin

Eternal life is in His Son. We are in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.

When we accept Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit indwells (1 Corinthians 6:19; Romans 8:9), He gives spiritual life, and our new life in Christ is eternal. Eternal life is the life of God. This new life of union with the Lord in Christ is the grace of God. When we believe and receive the Lord Jesus Christ, we receive eternal life.

Jesus stood and raised his voice and said, If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, out of his belly will flow rivers of living water. What Jesus said was that those who believe in Him will receive the Holy Spirit. (John 7:37-39) Many people think that "if you don't know life, how can you know death" and "man's death is like a lamp going out, once he dies". So I lived a hedonistic life of having wine today and getting drunk today. They attach great importance to the affairs of the world and the affairs of this life. In order to obtain fame, status, glory, and wealth, they spend all their efforts to nourish their thirsty hearts. When people sin and leave God, leave the source of life, and try to use other things to quench their thirst, their hearts will only become more and more thirsty and cannot be satisfied. It must be irritability, restlessness, loneliness, pain, and even a broken heart. Jesus said: Whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never be thirsty; the water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up into everlasting life. (John 4:14)

When the Holy Spirit moves within believers, our lives will undergo wonderful changes, sorrow will turn into joy, troubles will turn into peace, and emptiness will turn into contentment. God gives a new life, which is the life that overcomes sin and swallows up death. It is the life of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are to walk in God's will. When we have the power of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Lord within us, we will be free from the law of sin and death.

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I have come that you may have life, and have it abundantly (John 10:10)

He will renew and transform our minds and become new creations in Christ. The Lord continues to use discipline, brokenness, trials, etc. to purify and shape us so that we can grow into adults, full of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Make us perfect and lack nothing. and be conformed to the image of Christ.

Abundant life is life filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). God wants us to be filled with the Holy Spirit many times. (Acts 9:17; 13:9) You must pray with faith, dedicate yourself to deal with sin, pursue with desire, trust and obey, and wait quietly, and you will be filled with the Holy Spirit. Since we live by the Spirit, we must also walk by the Spirit (Gal. 5:26). Be led by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14). Walk by the Spirit (Galatians 5:16). Love your neighbor as yourself. Until Christ is formed in our hearts. (Galatians 4:19).

To be filled with the Holy Spirit is to be possessed and controlled by the Holy Spirit. Be empowered by the Holy Spirit and let the Holy Spirit rule over us. When you keep the doctrine of Christ in your heart richly (Colossians 3:16), the lives of the saints will be changed and they will be able to live a holy and fruitful life. Reveal the beauty of Christ, manifest the glory of God.

Christians have received the life of the Lord, and He will give us a more abundant life. God's grace is extremely rich. I can do all things through him who strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13) We have this treasure in clay vessels to show that this great power is from God and not from us. (2 Corinthians 4:7) The indwelling Christ has extraordinary power and is the power for believers to cope with all difficulties. The Lord said: My grace is sufficient for you. Because My power is perfected in man's weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9) When we are weak and defeated, we rely on God to regain strength and experience His victory. Christ is not weak in us, but powerful in us. (2 Corinthians 13:3) Just obey, pray to the Lord, claim His more abundant life, the transcendent life, and enjoy the peace, joy and rest that He bestows. (John 16:22; Matthew 11:29) After being filled with the Holy Spirit, one can serve and worship. (Acts 6:3; 11:24). Can endure persecution (Acts 4:31; 7:55). Have the ability to preach the gospel and testify for the Lord (Acts 1:8). And have the gift of the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 12:4-11)

The Holy Spirit is a river of living water that quenches the thirst of the thirsty. The Lord has become a fountain of living water and a river of living water within us. His rich grace is not only like a fountain to satisfy ourselves; it is also like a river that flows from within to supply others. As soon as we believe in the Lord, we have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and then we are filled with the Holy Spirit. There is an abundance of the Holy Spirit within. So whether we drink in or out of living water, not only to quench thirst, but also to glorify Christ!

All the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily in Christ. We are also enriched in Him. (Colossians 2:9~10) Only through experiencing Christ can we concretely understand all the fullness of God’s nature. The fullness of God’s nature is entirely in Christ, and those who are spiritually united with Christ will naturally have access to all the fullness of God. For believers to have abundant life, they must be in Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch of mine that does not bear fruit he takes away; every branch that bears fruit he prunes, so that it will bear more fruit. I am the vine and you are the branches; whoever abides in me and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from me you can do nothing. ......... My Father will be glorified by this, that you bear much fruit (John 15:1~8). Just as the life, quality, and power of the vine are revealed in the branches, so must the life, quality, and power of Christ be revealed in the branches. manifested in believers. The founder of the Inland Mission, Hudson Taylor, spent day and night thinking hard about how he could abide in the Lord, but found nothing. Later he realized that he was a branch. From then on, his spiritual life underwent a great change and he became a new man. The Lord is within us. He is our life, strength, joy, peace, etc., allowing us to enjoy all the richness of His life. God's will is for the vine to bear fruit continuously. Fruit in the Bible typifies the good deeds manifested in God’s life, including love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We must also bear the fruit of praise and the fruit of the gospel. All testimonies manifested in life are fruits that glorify God. He is the true vine, and the Holy Spirit guides us to abide in Him. Close to Father God, you will have peace of mind and God’s provision and strength.

God the Father wants to cultivate the vine, and He wants to do the repair work, which is the breaking of the cross and dealing with the old self. We must obey the Holy Spirit to break people through the environment, and their lives will be changed and they will become godly, obedient, gentle, humble, and strong... People will smell the sweet fragrance of Christ from us, and the life of the Lord will be manifested from us and become a blessing to others. By abiding in Christ, we can express Him and bear abundant fruit in life. We rely on the Lord to live in the light of life, experience the power of life, pursue abundant life, bear abundant fruits, and glorify the Lord. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is the character of Christ. His character becomes our character, and the new life of Christ is revealed. thank God! What we have received by faith is eternal life, the life of God himself, endowed with wonderful and heavenly power. This is the work of the Holy Spirit, who gives us an abundant life to experience the presence of God. The Lord becomes rivers of living water within us. The world can see the image of Christ in us, and in this way God is glorified.

Life is full of adversity, natural disasters, man-made disasters, diseases, unemployment and other pains and troubles. But all encounters of believers are arranged and permitted by God, and the purpose is to benefit us (Romans 8:28). The indwelling Christ is our abundant life, possesses transcendent power, and is the strength for believers to cope with all difficulties. The Lord said, "My grace is sufficient for you." No matter how difficult the environment is or how painful we are, the Lord's grace is sufficient for us. Let us experience God, trust in Him, experience His presence, and in all these things we are more than conquerors through the Lord who loves us. Therefore, the various tribulations and trials that come to us are training of Christian character, which can help us develop virtues such as patience, maturity, and hope (Romans 5:4), and then become a complete Christian. Therefore, we should take pleasure in it.

Dr. Ye's family experienced the storm of the Cultural Revolution, which was devastated mentally and physically. Storms, stormy seas, a lone boat, wandering and drifting, as long as 10 years. If it is not for the power of God, the family will be destroyed and the consequences will be unimaginable. In 1970, Nina was ordered to go to Luoshan with her students for isolation and reform through labor. She has a lively and straightforward personality, but suddenly she is treated like this, and she is often insulted and scolded, filled with resentment, shouting that the sky should not be answered, and there is no way to enter the earth, life is better than death. He also lied that Ye was dead. In a panic, all thoughts were lost and he thought of committing suicide. On May 12, he was taken to the auditorium for denunciation. He passed by the Ore Mountain, which had been mined by explosions for more than 30 years. It was a rocky abyss and workers had to take elevators to work. Several miners had accidents and fell from the middle of the mountain, and their bones were shattered. Nina thought that if she jumped off this mountain, she would die. So that night, I prayed to God, carved a cross and the words Heavenly Father's Mercy on my chest, went straight to the top of the mountain, and jumped off the top of the mountain. The height was 120 meters deep, reaching more than 30 floors of a high-rise building. It is full of rocks, the walls are cut and steep, and it is daunting. After that, he was unconscious. When he woke up, he was rescued by medical staff. At that time, his flesh and blood were bloody and his skull was ruptured. The teachers, students and staff could no longer recognize who it was. God performed a miracle and saved Nina. Jumping from such a high mountaintop without death or disability is something that cannot be explained by medical science. The Lord demonstrated His power and showed that He is the God who raised the dead, and there is only praise and thanksgiving. They experienced God, His presence, and His abundant love. They used their personal experience to testify that what we believe in is the true and living God. The most beautiful blessing in life is knowing the Lord Jesus! May God give us a more abundant life. As stated in the Book of Revelation, there are trees of life on both sides of the river of life, which bear fruit every month (Ezek. 47:6-12; Revelation 22:2). Saints throughout the ages have the full stature of Christ, fighting a good fight for the faith, holding on to eternal life, strengthening their faith, transcending suffering, and bearing beautiful testimonies. To reveal the beauty of Christ.

The testimony of Dr. George G. Ritchie was played live. He is president of the Richmond College of Physicians and chief of psychiatry at Virginia Towers Hospital.
At the age of 20, he died in a high fever coma, his soul left his body, met the resurrected Christ, and saw heaven. The other is the testimony of Dr. Maurice Rawlings. He is the personal physician to President Eisenhower and Chief of General Staff, and a professor at the University of Tennessee School of Medicine. Critically ill patients often report to heaven after recovery, and there are also many experiences of entering hell. There is now a large amount of medical and scientific clinical research data proving that life does continue to exist after the end of life. Death is not the end of life, but the beginning of a new life. Only by accepting the salvation of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, gaining the new life of the Lord’s resurrection, and being reborn and saved can we obtain eternal life.


Author: Dr. Ye Xiaolin

God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

Unless a person is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. and that which is born of flesh is flesh. What is born of the spirit is the spirit. ... The Lord said, You must be born again.

Rebirth is when God changes a sinner, cleanses him of sin and filth, and the Holy Spirit enters the heart and gives us the new life of the resurrected Christ. This is a complete life change from the inside out. By regeneration, we are made new creatures in Christ. First we should make a thorough confession. Repent and rehabilitate, repent. Believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and accept the salvation of the cross of Jesus Christ with faith. Receive Him as our Saviour. Then earnestly pray to God to grant the Holy Spirit to regenerate us.

If the Spirit of God dwells in you, you are no longer of the flesh but of the Spirit. If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. We know that God lives in us because of the Holy Spirit He has given us.

He is the original life. And Christ was with God and manifested to us eternal life. Eternal life is in His Son. We are in His Son, Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.

Our new life in Christ is eternal. Eternal life is the life of God, the eternal presence with God, the source of life. Eternal life is in the Lord Jesus Christ. This new life of being one with the Lord in Christ is the grace bestowed by God to man through faith and acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ. Eternal life begins when you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, Christians now have eternal life.

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To know your only true God, and to know Jesus Christ whom you have sent, is eternal life. The original meaning of knowing God is to have an intimate relationship with God. Eternal life is Christ; through mystical union with Christ we share in His own life, which is eternal life. After we are reborn and saved, the Holy Spirit moves within believers, and our lives will undergo wonderful changes. Sorrow will turn into joy, troubles will turn into peace, and emptiness will turn into contentment. God gives a new life, a life that conquers sin and swallows up death, the life of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are to walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit, in the will of God. When we have the power of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Lord within us, we will be free from the law of sin and death.

He wants to transform us by renewing our minds and making us new creatures in Christ. The Lord constantly uses discipline, breaking, trials, etc. to cleanse and mold us, so that we can grow into adults, full of the full stature of Christ. Let us be perfect, complete, lacking in nothing. and be conformed to the image of Christ.

Taylor (James Hudson Taylor, May 21, 1832-June 3, 1905)

British missionary and founder of China Inland Mission (today's Overseas Christian Mission). From his arrival in China in 1854 until his death, he devoted his life to evangelical ministry in China. More than 300 missionary stations have been established in 18 provinces. His complete obedience and trust in God brought God’s rich blessings to the achievements of the Inland Mission and the emergence of the Chinese church.

Hudson Taylor has many famous sayings that are very helpful to missionaries and Christians. One of the sentences is "If I have thousands of pounds, China can withdraw all of them; if I have a thousand lives, I will never leave any of them to China." This expresses his love for China and demonstrates his spirit of dedication and sacrifice.

The "Faith Principle" of the Inland Mission is to work according to God's calling by faith. When there are financial difficulties, don’t openly solicit donations from others, but let God move people to help. They know that as long as they pray and ask, look up with faith, and simply rely on God, God is faithful and He will provide according to need.

There is a chapter in Hudson Taylor's autobiography titled The Exchanged Life. He had a wonderful experience that led him deeper into a richer life. The summary is as follows:

In August 1868, people rioted, causing the Yangzhou Church Incident. After a lot of toil and worry, the pressure was heavy and the work was very difficult. Throughout the summer of 1869, Hudson Taylor was in a very low mood, amidst difficulties, trials, pains, and disappointments, spiritually weak, and seriously ill. I received a letter from John McCarthy on September 4th. He said: After reading the book Christ is All, I know that faith connects our souls with Christ; it is also like a flowing pipe, filled with the fullness of Christ. Full of water flowing down. The branch that was barren became fruitful... one life governed all the parts. Let the Lord's will work in me and enable me to live a sanctified life. Walking with the Lord, I don’t rely on my own efforts and struggles; I just look to Him and trust Him to give me strength; I find rest in the Savior and the peace of forgiveness of sins in salvation. Christ is my strength, my only motivation for work, and the foundation of joy. May the Lord lead us into His riches. We are not struggling to gain confidence. But just look to the faithful Lord and rest in the Lord. Just think about everything the Lord Jesus has done for us. He is life and He is the way.

After reading the letter, Hudson Taylor suddenly realized and was enlightened by the Holy Spirit! I am the vine and you are the branches; he who abides in me and I in him bears much fruit; for apart from me you can do nothing. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Even if we break our faith, He is still trustworthy. I look to Jesus and rest in the Lord. He lives in me. The Lord will never leave me. I am so filled with joy. When I think of the vine and the branches, I always think of sucking the sap from the roots and drawing the abundance from Him. Now I know that not only will the Lord Jesus never leave me, but I am also His member. To be one with the resurrected Lord, to be a member of the body of Christ. I saw the truth of being one with the Lord, how wonderful it is to be “one with the Lord.”

On that day, Taylor shared the letter with the brothers and sisters of the Zhenjiang Inland Mission. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, not a shadow. It is not hard to see, but it is beyond what we can see. We only see the appearance of things; faith can see into the essence of things. Christ living in our hearts by faith is power and life.

Hudson Taylor visited his friend Charles Judd. He said excitedly: God has made me a new creation. The Lord told me that I am a branch, a part of Him. As a member of Christ, I can draw from His abundant grace everything I need by trusting Him. I died with Christ, was buried with Him, and was raised with Him, and now the Lord lives in me. I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and for I deny myself.

Charles Judd recorded: He used to be laborious and burdened, sorrowful, worried, and unable to find rest in his spirit. Now he had a new strength coming out of him. He is a man full of peace and joy, and a happy Christian. He found rest in Jesus. (1,2)

After Hudson Taylor read the letter, he was enlightened by the Holy Spirit! I am the vine and you are the branches... God himself spoke to him. In Greek, "WORD" has two different words: Logos is the word of God. But faith cannot be received just by reading the Bible. Romans 10:17 teaches us, “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.” The “Word” in this verse is not Logos, but Rhema. Confidence comes definitely from Rhema. Logos means "what God has spoken" and Rhema means "God is speaking." Rhema is the Holy Spirit using scriptures to personally speak specific words to specific people on specific occasions. (leaf)

In 1872, Taylor was greatly encouraged by the answers to his numerous prayers, and soon his health recovered. Chinese believers are making progress, and new believers are joining the church. They were inspired by Hudson Taylor's example, and his friends and missionaries learned to trust in the power of prayer. Once the monthly remittance to China was very small, with a shortfall of 235 pounds to cover general expenses. During the noon prayer, Hudson Taylor suggested: "Let us take this matter to the Lord and pray." That evening, they received a letter from the postman. In the letter was a check for two hundred and thirty-five pounds, marked as the proceeds from the sale of the plates.

When Hudson Taylor came back from a party by train. Sitting next to him was a Russian aristocrat. Duke Bobensky took out his notebook and said, "Allow me to donate some money for the Chinese ministry." What he handed Dai was a large-denomination banknote. Thinking he might have made a mistake, Day asked, "Do you mean to give me five pounds? Please take back this fifty pound note!" The duke was amazed. "I originally planned to give you five pounds, but God must give you fifty pounds. I can't take this note back." After Taylor returned home, he saw his family and friends praying together. They were about to send money to China, but there was still a shortfall of forty-nine pounds and eleven shillings, and there was Hudson Taylor's fifty-pound note on the table. (3)

He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with the Lord. (1 Corinthians 16:17) Anyone who accepts the salvation of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ and is reborn will receive a new life of "oneness with the Lord" in Christ. This is eternal life. Eternal life is Christ Himself; through our mystical union with Christ, the life of Christ enters our hearts, He rules within us, and He is the Lord of our lives. Since you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into your hearts. We live by the Spirit, so we are to walk by the Spirit. If you are led by the Spirit, walk by the Spirit. Love your neighbor as yourself. until Christ is formed in you. (Galatians: 4-5) The fruit of the Holy Spirit is the character of Christ, making His character into our character, with the new life of Christ flowing out. thank God! What we have received by faith is eternal life, the life of God himself, endowed with wonderful and heavenly power. This is the work of the Holy Spirit, who wants to give us abundant life. The world can see the image of Christ in us, and in this way God is glorified.

You have peace in me. In the world you will have tribulation; but take heart, I have overcome the world. (John 16:33) The Ye family was a wealthy and comfortable Christian family, and was the key target of the Cultural Revolution. On August 24, 1966, a large number of Red Guards ransacked their homes and ransacked them overnight. The situation of the Cultural Revolution became more and more dramatic, and the whole family of innocent people was isolated and examined. Afterwards, we were sent to the farm to be reformed through labor, and the work unit was reformed. We were bullied and cursed every day, and our mind and body were devastated. Storms, stormy seas, a lone boat, wandering and drifting, as long as 10 years. If it is not for the power of God, the family will be destroyed and the consequences will be unimaginable. During the quarantine, God spoke to Ye personally for comfort. During the imprisonment, God gave the younger brother a vision to strengthen his faith.

In 1970, Nina went to Luoshan with the students to be isolated and reformed through labor. He is often abused and abused, filled with resentment, shouting at the sky, having nowhere to go, life is better than death. He also lied that Ye was dead. In a panic, all thoughts were lost and he thought of committing suicide. On May 12, he was taken to the auditorium for denunciation. He passed by the Ore Mountain, which had been mined by explosions for more than 30 years. It was a rocky abyss and workers had to take elevators to work. Several miners had accidents and fell from the middle of the mountain, and their bones were shattered. Nina thought that if she jumped off this mountain, she would die. So that night she prayed to God and carved a cross and the words Heavenly Father's Mercy on her chest. After the Red Guard fell asleep, she quietly slipped out and went straight to the top of the mountain. First, she prayed to God to save her soul, and then she jumped down from the top of the mountain. Its height is 120 meters deep, reaching more than 30 floors of high-rise buildings, and then unconscious. When he woke up, he was rescued by medical staff. At that time, his flesh and blood were bloody and his
skull was ruptured. The teachers, students and staff could no longer recognize who it was. God performed a miracle and saved Nina. To jump from the top of such a high mountain without dying or being disabled is something that science cannot explain. The Lord manifested His power, showing that He is the God who raised the dead. Only praise and thanks.

The Ye family has experienced the storm of the Cultural Revolution for ten years. Saved by a loving and righteous God. They experienced God, His presence, and His great love. They use their personal experience to testify that what we believe in is a true and living God. The most beautiful blessing in life is knowing the Lord Jesus!

It turns out that we don't care about what we see, but what we don't see. For what is seen is temporary, but what is not seen is eternal. Many people take the things of this world and this life very seriously, and think that the things of this life are eternal. Therefore, in order to gain fame, fortune, status, glory and wealth, they will spend their whole life's efforts. But in fact, human beings are just the morning dew and clouds that disappear in a blink of an eye. You are strangers and sojourners. He who is busy with the things of this life is like building his life on sand—it collapses in a storm. We should build the foundation of our lives on the unshakable rock of our Lord Jesus Christ. To express Christ through our life and living. This life is short, this life is a preparation for eternity. Believers who have the hope of eternal life must fight the good fight for the truth and hold on to eternal life. Bear that good testimony. (6:12 Timothy)

George Ritchie, M.D. served as the president of the Richmond Physician Association and the director of the psychiatric department of Virginia Towers Hospital. In 1934, at the age of 20, he died in a high fever coma, his soul left his body, and met the resurrected Christ. Saw heaven.

Raymond Moody was also his student. Under the influence of his teacher, he began to study near-death experiences. In 1975, he compiled 150 near-death experiences and published Life After Life. An estimated 15 million people in the United States have had a near-death experience.

Dr. Maurice Rawlings is President Eisenhower's personal physician, physician to the Chief of Staff, a renowned cardiologist, and professor of medicine at the University of Tennessee College of Medicine. He studied patients who died suddenly and questioned them immediately after they were resuscitated. It turned out that many patients had the experience of entering hell. Many dying patients' souls left their bodies and met Christ, telling them about heaven and hell. There is now a large amount of medical and scientific clinical research data proving that life does continue to exist after the end of life. Only by accepting the salvation of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, gaining the new life of the Lord’s resurrection, and being reborn and saved can we obtain eternal life. The Lord says: Whoever lives and believes in me will never die.


(1) www.HudsonTaylor - The Exchanged Life

(2) Loving China—The Biography of Hudson Taylor, Chapter 32

(3) Spiritual Secrets—Talson Taylor’s Journey of Faith, Chapter 18

Dr. Ye Xiaolin and his wife’s sermons in Los Angeles are fruitful

Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD, and his wife held an "Eternal Life" evangelistic conference at Spiritual Food Church in Los Angeles last Sunday. The two speakers witnessed the precious salvation of Jesus Christ through the testimony of near-death and out-of-body experiences and the legendary experience of resurrection. Finally, Many friends have decided to believe in the Lord.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD, is the first physician to report on research on Life After Life and NDE-Near Death Experience. He has published many testimonial articles in American Christian electronic newspapers and traveled to various places to hold evangelistic meetings, collecting his many years of experience. The information on near-death and out-of-body experiences compiled by him has been widely praised by readers, and countless people have believed in the Lord because of these testimonies.

It is reported that the Los Angeles evangelism attracted many believers and friends, and the venue that can accommodate more than 500 people was almost full. The messages and testimonies of Dr. and Mrs. Ye are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and are very shocking. They have made many friends understand that "death is not the end of life, there is indeed life after death" and brought them to the Lord Jesus Christ and accepted the salvation of His cross. To enjoy eternal life.

This newspaper has now published the speech notes of Dr. and Mrs. Ye Xiaolin's Los Angeles crusade in the form of a column. Interested readers can browse (click here) to learn about the exciting content.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin and his wife's New Jersey evangelistic meeting continued to make great achievements

Dr. Ye Xiaolin and his wife were kindly invited by the Lord's Grace Church in New Jersey to lead the evangelistic meeting again with the theme of "Eternal Life". During the sermon of more than an hour, the two speakers witnessed the precious salvation of Jesus Christ through wonderful personal legendary experiences of resurrection. In the end, more than 20 friends were moved to believe in the Lord.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD, is the first physician to report on the research on Life After Life and NDE-Near Death Experience. He has published many testimonial articles in American Christian electronic newspapers, and has collected and sorted out the near-death and divorce experiences over the years. The materials of personal experience have been imparted all over the body, and have been widely praised by readers, and countless people have believed in the Lord because of these testimonies.

As early as last year, Dr. and Mrs. Ye Xiaolin preached for the first time at the Lord's Grace Church in New Jersey. They were well received by pastors, believers and evangelical friends, and the number of participants reached the highest number in the 45-year history of the Church. For this reason, the Lord’s Grace Church once again invited Dr. Yeh and his wife to share the gospel message this year, and looks forward to continuing to write good evangelistic achievements.

Dr. Ye exalted Jesus Christ in his sermons. The couple used their personal experiences of resurrection from the dead to bring their seeking friends to Jesus, leading them to accept the Lord's salvation and enjoy eternal life.

"The most beautiful blessing in this life is to know the Lord Jesus..." Accompanied by the beautiful melody, more than 20 catechumen friends finally came to the stage and made a decision to believe in the Lord. The pastors and believers present expressed their gratitude to them. Friends from all over the world sent their best wishes, and the warm scene was touching.

eternal life

Author: Dr. Ye Xiaolin

Ye Xiaolin, M.D., is the first physician to report Raymond Moody, MD's near-death experience NDE and soul out-of-body research in Chinese. Last year, I preached the eternal life Life after Life in the Lord's Grace Church in New Jersey, and the response was overwhelming. Thank you, Lord. This time let’s continue talking about Eternal Life. The most important thing in life is to accept the salvation of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ and gain eternal life.

"God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

"Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. That which is born of flesh is flesh; that which is born of the spirit is spirit. ...You must be born again, saith the Lord."

Rebirth is God changing a sinner, cleansing his sins and filth, the Holy Spirit enters the heart, and gives us a new life in the resurrected Christ. This is a complete life change from the inside out. Through regeneration, “we become new creatures in Christ.”

How can a person be regenerated and saved? First we should make a thorough confession. Repent and rehabilitate, repent. Believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and accept the salvation of Jesus Christ on the cross with faith. Receive Him as our Saviour. “Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead.”

Then pray earnestly to God to give us the Holy Spirit and regenerate us.

"If the Spirit of God dwells in you, you are not of the flesh but of the Spirit; but whoever does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to Christ. We know that God dwells in us by the gifts given to us by Him. The Holy Spirit. He who is united to the Lord is one spirit with the Lord.”

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The Lord Jesus said: You must be born again. The Holy Spirit enters us, Christ in us, Christ lives in us, and we have the new life of the resurrected Christ, which is rebirth.

Eternal life is the eternal life that exists from eternity to eternity. "He is the original life in the beginning. And Christ was with God and manifested our eternal life. Eternal life is in His Son. Whoever has the Son of God has life. We are in Him who is true , in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life.” Our new life in Christ is eternal. Eternal life is a brand new life, the life of God, which is eternally with God, the source of life, and therefore transcends the limitations of time and space. Eternal life is in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the giver of eternal life. This new life of "oneness with the Lord" in Christ is the grace given to man by God, and is obtained by man by believing in and accepting the Lord Jesus Christ. Eternal life begins when you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, Christians enjoy eternal life now.

“This is eternal life, to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” Know God. The original meaning of knowing God is to have an intimate relationship with God. Eternal life is Christ; through our mystical union with Christ we share in His own life. To know God and to know Christ is eternal life. After we are reborn and saved, the Lord’s life enters into us, and He becomes the Lord of our life. When the Holy Spirit moves within believers, our lives will undergo wonderful changes, sorrow will turn into joy, troubles will turn into peace, and emptiness will turn into contentment. God gives a new life, which is the life that overcomes sin and swallows up death. It is the life of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. We must walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit and walk in the will of God. When we have the power of the Holy Spirit and the power of the Lord within us, we will be free from the law of sin and death.

"I have come that you may have life (eternal life), and have it more abundantly." He wants to renew and change our minds. The Lord continues to use discipline, brokenness, trials and other methods to purify and shape us so that we can grow into adults, full of the stature of Christ. Let us be perfect, complete, lacking in nothing. and be conformed to the image of Christ.

He comes to change us, not that we come to live out the Christian life, but that Christ lives out of us. thank God! The life of Christ continues to work in us; He changes our lives until Christ can be formed in us, causing His character to become our character, and the new life of Christ to flow out. What we receive by faith is resurrection life, God’s own life, with wonderful heavenly power. The world can see the image of Christ in us, and in this way God is glorified.

"I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me."

We have an experience of being saved by grace, that is, we truly experience the Lord Jesus Christ and establish a direct and intimate personal relationship with the Lord. We know that we have eternal life within us, and from then on we can enjoy the light of new life. Freedom, joy and peace.

"Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold for eternal life. Bear the good witness."

Fighting for the truth, that is what we are called to do. Eternal life is Christ Himself; “holding eternal life” means holding on to Christ. Just as Peter said to Jesus: You have the word of eternal life, to whom shall we follow? Christ alone has the way to eternal life, and we should fight to maintain our faith. Hold on to eternal life, strengthen your faith, transcend suffering, and bear that beautiful testimony. With eternal life within us and support in this life, we can live a happy, content, peaceful and joyful life. We are children of God, and God allows us His grace to last a lifetime.

“God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to his power that works within us.”

Christians also experience suffering, but of a completely different nature. Just like a birth (Spiritual Travail), it takes a painful period of time, but the mother is very happy and full of hope, waiting for the birth of her newborn.
Every believer has a similar experience. After suffering, thank and praise the Lord.

The Ye family was a wealthy and comfortable Christian family and was a key target of the Cultural Revolution. On August 24, 1966, a large number of Red Guards ransacked the house and reduced the family to destitution overnight. My parents often exhorted me: "It is the Lord who has given, and it is the Lord who has taken away. Blessed is the name of the Lord." The situation of the Cultural Revolution was getting worse and worse, and the innocent family was isolated and examined. Afterwards, we were sent to the farm to be reformed through labor, and the work unit was reformed. We were bullied and cursed every day, and our mind and body were devastated. Storms, stormy seas, a lone boat, wandering and drifting, as long as 10 years. If it is not for the power of God, the family will be destroyed and the consequences will be unimaginable. During the isolation period, God personally spoke to Ye to comfort him. During the imprisonment, God gave the younger brother a vision to strengthen his faith. Nina came across this verse while praying: "The chariot causes a chariot to run over our heads. We go through fire and water, but the chariot brings us to a place of abundance." The prophecy revealed. Later, he was rescued by God and brought back to life.

In 1970, Nina was ordered to go to Luoshan with the students for isolation and reform through labor. She has a lively and straightforward personality, but when she was suddenly treated like this, she was often insulted and scolded. She was so angry that she cried out to the heavens for no response. She had no way to go to the earth, and life was worse than death. He also lied that Ye was dead. In a panic, all thoughts were lost and he thought of committing suicide. On May 12, he was taken to the auditorium for denunciation. He passed by the Ore Mountain, which had been mined by explosions for more than 30 years. It was a rocky abyss and workers had to take elevators to work. Several miners had accidents and fell from the middle of the mountain, and their bones were shattered. Nina thought that if she jumped off this mountain, she would die. So that night she prayed to God and carved a cross and the words Heavenly Father's Mercy on her chest. After the Red Guard fell asleep, she quietly slipped out and went straight to the top of the mountain. First, she prayed to God to save her soul, and then she jumped down from the top of the mountain. After that, he was unconscious. When he woke up, he was rescued by medical staff. At that time, his flesh and blood were bloody and his skull was ruptured. The teachers, students and staff could no longer recognize who it was. God performed a miracle and saved Nina. It is impossible to explain by medical science that one can jump from such a high mountaintop without dying or being disabled. The height is 120 meters deep and reaches more than 30 floors of a high-rise building. It is all rocky and steep, making it intimidating to look at. The Lord demonstrated His power and showed that He is the God who raises the dead. Only praise and thanks.

Bad news came in October 1988. Ye's mother, Ye Li Xiulin, was suffering from advanced lung cancer and had metastasized to her bones. Severe pain all over the body, must be injected with painkillers. Shanghai pulmonary experts said: only more than 50 days to survive. The news was like a thunderbolt from the blue, and it was heartbreaking. The three brothers came to the United States one after another in the early 1980s. Parents are old, over 80, and have no relatives to take care of them at home. Knowing that my mother is terminally ill, there is no cure. I hope that at the last moment, I can accompany my mother to serve and give her the love and warmth of my loved ones. Neither of us could ask for leave to return to China. We were desperate and anxious. We cried and prayed every day. We were filled with the Holy Spirit and clearly understood God's will. Then Lena went to pick up her parents from abroad. But there are many difficulties, and it is very difficult for the dying old man to get a visa. Moreover, my mother suffers from motion sickness and travels long distances, and her life is in danger. No medical insurance, etc. But with faith and earnest prayer, the visa was successfully passed like a miracle. Arrived safely in the United States on November 18. The whole family gathered together with relatives and friends, looked up with faith every day, and relied on His mighty arms. We spent more than 9 months without any pain, and we didn’t even take a single painkiller. We experienced God’s great grace and love, and we are grateful every day. .

In the last two weeks, his condition turned critical. We used the bedroom as an emergency ward, complete with oxygen tanks, electrocardiographs, and medicines. Accompanying her mother day and night, she returned home safely at 2:40 am on August 14. Later, I received a letter from Xu Aifang (the wife of the former dean of Soochow University and a close friend of my mother at Hujiang University), telling me that at 2:40 pm that day, I was woken up from my nap and clearly heard my mother calling her "Aifang" , Since then, I have prayed for my family every day. She didn't know that her mother was sick, nor did she know how beautiful it was, amazing! The year, month, day, and time are so correct, and there is a 12-hour time difference. The soul of the mother went to say goodbye after her death. This is a true example, proving that there is indeed life after death!

Dr. Ye's family has experienced the storm of the Cultural Revolution for ten years. Saved, preserved, protected, and merciful by the loving and righteous God. They experienced God, His presence, and His abundant love. They use their personal experience to testify that what we believe in is a true and living God. The greatest blessing in life is knowing the Lord Jesus!

"So we don't care about what we see, but what we don't see. For what we see is temporary, but what we don't see is eternal."

Many people take the things of this world and this life very seriously and think that the things of this life are eternal. Therefore, in order to gain fame, status, glory and wealth, they will spend their whole lives working hard. But in fact, people are just the morning dew and clouds that disappear in a blink of an eye. You are strangers and sojourners. People who are busy with the affairs of this life are like building their lives on the sand, and they will collapse in a storm. We should build the foundation of our lives on the unshakable rock of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The faith of Christians is rooted in eternity, so we must cherish the "only this life" we have and not waste our time. Our outlook on life is, "Whether I live or die, let Christ be magnified in me. For to me, living is Christ, and dying is gain." We must express Christ through our life and living. Life in this life is short, and believers who have the hope of eternal life should be God’s faithful stewards, making good use of our time, talents, and money, hoping that in the future in the glory of God, we can hear the Lord say: “Okay! You are so good and kind. Faithful servant; come in and enjoy your master's pleasure."

A large number of medical science clinical research data have proved that after the end of life, life does continue to exist. Death is not the end of life, but the beginning of another new life. Only by accepting the salvation of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, gaining the new life of the Lord’s resurrection, being reborn and saved, can one gain eternal life. "The Lord says: Whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die."

Dr. Ye Xiaolin's New York Mission "Resurrected Christ" leads many people to believe in the Lord

New York Bread of Life Church Easter Sunday specially invited Dr. Ye Xiaolin, a doctor of medicine, to preside over the "Resurrected Christ" evangelistic meeting. Through his beautiful messages and testimonies of near-death and out-of-body experiences, Dr. Ye helped many friends understand that "death is not the end of life, there is indeed life after death" and brought them to the Lord Jesus Christ and accepted Him. Salvation on the cross leads to eternal life.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD, is the first physician to report on research on Life After Life and near-death experiences. He has published many articles in American Christian electronic newspapers, sharing the information on near-death and out-of-body experiences that he has collected and compiled over many years. It has been widely praised by readers and has led many friends to the Lord.

Dr. Yip shared about the resurrected Christ. If Christ has not been raised, our preaching is in vain, and so is your faith. Resurrection is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. The resurrection of Christ is the most sensational event in human history. Only after Christ was resurrected can we know for sure the existence of God. Every believer has a personal experience of the presence of God and the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

The veracity of the resurrection of Jesus three days after his death, the resurrection of his body and soul, can be tested as historical evidence in general. No historical fact in the world provides more evidence than the resurrection of Jesus. The deeds recorded in the Gospels of the Bible are all written by people who were with Jesus, witnessed and experienced it personally. Many famous scholars throughout the ages have confirmed through archaeological and other scientific research that Christianity is not based on fictional novels or fantasies, but on facts that have historical basis and are indeed testable. However miraculous these events may have been, they were some of the greatest deeds that have ever happened in the history of the world.

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The strongest proof of the resurrection is that Christ is alive today. Those who confess, repent, and accept Him have their sins forgiven, the Holy Spirit enters their hearts, and the resurrected Christ lives in us.

Hundreds of millions of Christians around the world can testify to the same. We have experienced the presence of the resurrected Savior. We have a close personal relationship with the Lord. We can know Him and communicate with Him. He answers our prayers and guides us on the way we should go. The road leads us through hardships and hardships, giving us joy and peace. And transform our lives into the image of Christ.

God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

Jesus Christ became flesh and came to the world to save us; He was crucified on the cross to atone for the sins of the world, and He became the propitiation for our sins. He was resurrected three days later and appeared to his disciples and more than 500 people, speaking about the kingdom of God for 40 days. Then they saw the Lord being lifted up to heaven. Jesus Christ conquered the power of death and swallowed up death. Therefore, those who accept Jesus Christ as our Savior are forgiven of our sins, and we have been redeemed with a price by God’s abundant grace. I died and was buried with Christ, and I rose with Him. I have been crucified with Christ; now it is no longer me who lives, but Christ who lives in me. Through the resurrection life of Jesus, you will not perish but have eternal life.

Before Paul was saved, his name was Saul. He was a Jew who served God zealously. He persecuted Christians, imprisoning men and women, and even executed them.

Paul testified: As I was going to Damascus, about noon, suddenly a great light came from heaven and shone around me. I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" ’ I replied, ‘Lord, who are You? ’ He said, ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting. 』

After Saul met the resurrected Lord Jesus, his life changed 180 degrees. From then on, he testified for Jesus and preached the gospel. Become a devout and faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. Finally, he died for the Lord.

Dr. Song Shangjie (1901-1943), a famous Chinese evangelist in the last century, came to the United States in 1923 and received a doctorate in chemistry from Ohio State University in March 1926. In September, he entered New York Concord Theological Seminary.

On the night of December 31, 1926, while he was kneeling to pray, God said to him in his spirit: I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and discard the wisdom of the wise. The voice is small and gentle. What does a person's knowledge and talent mean? He didn't close his eyes all night, and his mind was wandering until the early morning of January 1st. Time passes day by day, and the soul is weighed down by sin without a moment of peace.

On the night of February 10, 1927, he prayed urgently and with tears. Starting at 10 o'clock in the night, scenes of the crime drama were shown, and even the hidden sins were clearly revealed. Then he took out a long-forgotten New Testament and opened Luke Chapter 23. As if in a trance, he followed Jesus carrying the cross to Mount Golgotha and felt that his burden of sin was extremely heavy. The Lord hung high on the cross, his hands dripping with blood, and it was too horrible to look at. He humbly knelt at the foot of the cross and asked the Lord to cleanse him from all unrighteousness with His precious blood. "Son, your sins are forgiven." He saw the Lord Jesus in person, his face was shining, and his hands were scarred by nails, and he said to him: "You must change your name to John." The Lord called him to be one of the pioneers to preach that the kingdom of heaven is near. , the news that the Lord will come soon. At 1 o'clock in the evening, he felt severe pain all over his body, as if he had been seriously injured. He was reminded by the Holy Spirit to understand the truth of being crucified with the Lord. At dawn, he would risk everything and tell everyone he met the wonderful things the Lord had done to him. Everything feels refreshed.

Dr. Song Shangjie was called by God to return to China to preach the gospel. On the way home, he threw the doctoral diploma, Golden Key Medal of Honor, etc. he received in the United States into the sea, and prayed with tears: "God! Please save my compatriots. I am determined to preach in China even if I die. As long as my compatriots To be saved is to die, and I am happy with it." After returning to China, he devoted himself to preaching the gospel and traveled all over the country and Southeast Asia, with numerous fruits. He is a particularly important servant of God, and he ignited the revival of the Chinese church with his life.

The resurrected Christ solved the two greatest problems of mankind, sin and death.

thank God! For more than 30 years, some Christian doctors have been studying near-death experiences (NDE) and out-of-body experiences (OBE). Many dying patients witnessed their souls leaving their bodies, encountering the resurrected Christ, and told of heaven and hell. There are now a large number of facts and sufficient research data to prove that life does continue to exist after the end of life. Death is not the end of life, but the beginning of a new life.

In 1975, Dr. Raymond Moody was the first to compile a book about the experiences of 150 patients who were near death and published "Life After Life". An estimated 15 million people in the United States have had a near-death experience.

Dr. Ye played two precious DVD testimonials at the scene. One is the testimony of Dr. George G. Ritchie. When he was 20 years old, he died in a high fever coma. His soul left his body and quickly flew to Richmond. Later, he returned
to the hospital ward. The room was filled with light, and he encountered the resurrected Christ. Saw heaven. Just when he was reluctant to leave, the light disappeared and the soul returned to the body. ...After serving in the Army in 1946, Ritchie taught at the University of Virginia Medical School after graduating from the Medical College, and later became a psychiatrist. He served as president of the Richmond Medical Society and director of the psychiatry department of Virginia Towers Hospital. Raymond Moody was also his student. Under the influence of his teacher, he began to collect and study near-death experiences.

The other is the testimony of Dr. Maurice Rawlings. He is President Eisenhower's personal physician, physician to the Chief of Staff, a renowned cardiologist and professor of medicine at the University of Tennessee School of Medicine. Critically ill patients often complain of heaven and hell after recovery. From then on, Dr. Rawlings knew that death is not extinction, but that there is indeed life after death, eternal life and eternal death. He studied patients who died suddenly and asked them immediately after they were resuscitated. It turned out that many patients had experienced going to hell. Dr. Rawlings's website: To Hell and Back, which reports the testimonies of patients entering horrific hell, has been translated into many languages.

It is absolutely true that people have souls. After death, there is not only life, but also heaven and hell. Therefore, people must be clear about the destination of their souls.

Jesus said, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a person is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Unless a person is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of flesh is flesh; that which is born of spirit is spirit. You must be born again.

If the Spirit of God dwells in you, you are no longer of the flesh but of the Spirit. If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.

How can man be redeemed? First we should make a thorough confession. Repentance: repent and repent, repent. Believe: Jesus died on the cross for our sins, and we must accept the salvation of the cross of Jesus Christ with faith. Receive Him as our Saviour. Confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead. Then pray earnestly to God to give us the Holy Spirit and regenerate us.

Rebirth is when God changes a sinner, cleanses him of sin and filth, and the Holy Spirit enters our heart and gives us the new life of resurrection. This is a complete life change from the inside out. Through rebirth, we become new creations in Christ. Those who are regenerated are those who are "saved" and have "eternal life." But if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies by his Spirit who dwells in you.

Believers all have personal experiences and thank God for saving us in Christ and being born from the Holy Spirit, so that we can be reborn and gain eternal life.

He who keeps the commandments of God abides in God, and God abides in him. We know that God lives in us because of the Holy Spirit He has given us.

People who are regenerated by the Holy Spirit will definitely experience changes in their lives, which are reflected in:

1. Have an intimate relationship with God the Father and experience the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. With God’s grace, we will cry “Abba, Father” from the bottom of our hearts.

2. Be interested in spiritual things: love to pray, read the Bible, attend meetings and fellowship. Desire the things of God and pursue spiritual growth.

3. Increased sensitivity to sin and peace of forgiveness. I didn’t think I was guilty before, but now I feel sad and regretful about my sin.

4. The world outlook, values and outlook on life have undergone fundamental changes.

5. The temperament also changes: it can bear the fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

6. The empty heart is satisfied, full of joy and peace.

7. This life is a preparation for eternity. I became indifferent to the world, and willingly took up the cross to follow the Lord, testify for the Lord, and preach the gospel.

Because Christ is indwelled by the Holy Spirit, He adds to us all that Christ has, and we know how great is His power toward us who believe.

Dr. Ye shared his wonderful testimony: Ye's family was a wealthy and comfortable Christian family, which was the key target of the Cultural Revolution. On August 24, 1966, a large number of Red Guards ransacked the house and reduced the family to destitution overnight. The situation of the Cultural Revolution became more and more serious. In September 1968, the innocent family was isolated and interrogated. They were imprisoned and imprisoned. Dr. Ye was isolated in the hospital. He was in great sorrow and prayed urgently every day, asking God to save him. On the morning of October 7th, my heart was heavy, I was at a loss, and I was praying hard, when suddenly the Holy Spirit was filled with joy, and I kept praising, Hallelujah! thank God! Ye meets the risen Christ. At that time, He said to Ye clearly word for word: "Lift your eyes to the mountains, where does your help come from? Your help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth." After being released after 10 months of imprisonment, he Told this to my mother, and my mother said it was from Psalm 121. He has been a Christian since he was a child, but he rarely reads the Bible, and he has never read this passage of the Bible. This proves that what he heard was indeed the words given to him by God.

During the Cultural Revolution, the Ye family walked through the valley of the shadow of death and suffered great hardships for as long as 10 years. God the Father is faithful and just, and those who trust and look to Him will see glory. The abundance of grace and love bestowed by the Lord cannot be described enough. Everyone has met God and experienced His amazing grace. Knowing that the one who helps us is the Lord who made the heaven and the earth. Thank you and praise the Lord!

We have experienced the resurrected Christ, the presence of God, and the power of His resurrection. Strengthening faith and overcoming suffering, Dr. Ye used his own experience to testify that what we believe in is the true and living God. The greatest blessing in life is knowing the Lord Jesus.

Christians of all ages can testify that Jesus is the risen Savior! Lord of all! He gives us the authority to become children of God and change our lives. He turns sinners into saints and gives us the peace of forgiveness of sins, a holy life, full joy, eternal blessings, and the hope of glory.

After the message sharing, under the call of Dr. Ye, many friends who were seeking the gospel were moved and decided to accept Jesus Christ as their savior and enjoy eternal life. The brothers and sisters in the audience offered sincere blessings to the friends, and the scene was warm and touching.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin preached in New York: "The Resurrected Christ"

"Is there still life after death? Do people have souls? Heaven and hell do exist or is it just an ideology?" These topics about life after death have always been a hot topic of concern and discussion.

At the evangelistic conference held at 11 a.m. on Easter Sunday (April 24) at the Bread of Life Church in New York, the speaker, Dr. Ye Xiaolin, will give a satisfactory answer to these topics of life after death through the message "The Resurrected Christ." All community friends and believers are welcome to attend.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin was the first physician to report on Life After Life and Near Death Experience (NDE-Near Death Experience) research. As a devout Christian and a famous cardiologist in the United States, Dr. Ye has been interviewed by the media many times in the past and said that in the face of a large number of clinical facts and sufficient research data, it can be proved that: "Death is not the end of life, but another step." The beginning of a new life."

The organizer sincerely hopes that friends who seek the gospel will attend the meeting enthusiastically, listen to the gospel message, accept the salvation of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, be reborn and saved, and enjoy eternal life.

New York Bread of Life Church Address: 177 East Broadway, New York, NY 10002 (177 East Broadway, Chinatown, New York). Contact number: (212) 673-5216.

Introduction to Dr. Ye Xiaolin

Ye Xiaolin, MD, was an attending physician in the Department of Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Second Medical University in 1979. At the invitation of Professor F. Loogen, President of the European Society of Cardiology, and Professor G. Breithardt, Chairman of the Scientific Committee, he went to Dusseldorf University School of Medicine in West Germany. The Department of Cardiology is engaged in cardiac clinical medical research. After going abroad, he obtained a German doctor's license and a medical doctor's degree the following year. He is the only Chinese member of the German Heart Society. In the past two years, he has published ten papers in German and American Heart Medicine Journals.

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In 1982, he was invited by Professor Andre Cournand, the Nobel Prize winner, and Professor P. J. Cannon, Director of the Department of Cardiology, to serve as a clinician in the Department of Cardiology, Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University School of Medicine, USA, and engage in nuclear heart medicine. Later opened in New Jersey. Dr. Ye deeply felt that the world is like floating clouds, which disappear in a blink of an eye. He preached the gospel everywhere and led people to the Lord. In addition, he compiled the gospel he preached to scholars around him over the years and published "Truth·Life", which was widely praised by believers and evangelical friends at home and abroad.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin’s sermon in New Jersey received enthusiastic response

The theme of "Eternal Life" New Jersey God's Grace Church Evangelistic Conference was successfully concluded last Saturday. The speaker, Dr. Ye Xiaolin, used his wonderful near-death and out-of-body experience testimonies to help many friends realize that "death is not the end of life, there is indeed the existence of life after death" and led them to the Lord Jesus and accept His Salvation, eternal life.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin is the first doctor to report on Life After Life and NDE-Near Death Experience research. He has published many testimonial articles in American Christian electronic newspapers, and has collected and organized near-death and out-of-body experiences over many years. His materials have been given to everyone, and have been widely praised by readers, leading countless people to the Lord.

This time, Dr. Yeh's evangelistic meeting held at the Lord's Grace Church in New Jersey was extremely popular, attracting believers from various churches and people from the community. The upper and lower floors of the church hall were full of seats and overcrowded.

When delivering the sermon message, Dr. Ye first used Bible verses to introduce the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ to the audience. He said that everyone is a sinner, but whoever confesses, repentes and accepts the salvation of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ Those who are gracious will be born again and be saved and have eternal life.

"In the face of a large amount of facts and research data, it is absolutely true that humans have souls. Not only does life exist after death, but there is also heaven and hell. Therefore, we must be clear about the destination of our souls," he said.

In 1975, Dr. Moody was the first to compile a book about the experiences of 150 near-death patients and published "Life After Life".

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Many of the experiences described in the book are roughly similar: when the doctor declares death, the patient feels safe and relieved, and the physical pain disappears; he finds that he has separated from the physical body and becomes a spirit body flying up in the sky, looking at his own body from a certain distance; he quickly flies through the long darkness In the tunnel, I met deceased relatives and friends who came to welcome me; I saw an unusual light - God; I quickly reviewed the images of the main events in each person's life; I felt infinite joy and tranquility, and did not want to leave... After the recovery of most of the dying, their lives have undergone great changes. , life is full of hope and love, willing to glorify the name of God. An estimated 13 million people in the United States have experienced a near-death experience.

Nearly 35 years of painstaking research on near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences has fully confirmed that what the Bible says is accurate—death is not the end of life, and there is indeed the existence of life after death, that is, eternal life and eternal death. "

Two precious DVD testimonies were played live. The first was the testimony of George G. Ritchie.

In 1943, 20-year-old Ritchie suddenly suffered from bilobar pneumonia while training at the Barkeley Army Camp in Texas. His body temperature reached 106.5 degrees Fahrenheit. He died in a hyperthermic coma. His soul left his body and flew to Richmond, and then decided to return. Returning to the hospital ward, the small room was filled with light. He met Christ, and then followed Christ to get a glimpse of heaven. The houses and streets were resplendent and sparkling. Ritchie sighed that it was so beautiful there. Just as he was reluctant to leave, the light suddenly disappeared and his soul returned to his body.

After completing his service in 1946, Ritchie taught at the Virginia Medical College after graduating from the University. He later became a psychiatrist and served as president of the Richmond Medical Society and director of the psychiatry department at Virginia Towers Hospital.

While teaching in medical school, Ritchie often talked about his experiences with students. It is worth mentioning that Raymond Moody was also his student. Under the influence and enlightenment of his teacher, Moody began to collect and study near-death experiences.

Ritchie knew that God had given him a new life of resurrection, so he determined to serve diligently, heal the sick, deeply feel the joy of being with God, spread the gospel widely, and glorify God's name.

The other is the testimony of Dr. Maurice Rawlings. He is President Eisenhower's personal physician, physician to the Chief of Staff, a renowned cardiologist and professor of clinical medicine at the University of Tennessee School of Medicine. Critically ill patients often complain about heaven and hell after recovery. In the past, they thought death was a painless demise of life.

His turning point came when he was performing an exercise test on a 48-year-old male heart patient. The patient suddenly had an irregular heart rhythm, atrial fibrillation and then cardiac arrest, and died in the clinic. No breathing, no heartbeat, eyes rolled up, back arched, face turning blue, loss of consciousness and convulsions, complete heart block, immediate rescue.

When the pacemaker was inserted and the heartbeat and breathing recovered slightly, the patient exclaimed: "I am in hell, help me get out of hell quickly, don't stop!" When the rescue was stopped, he returned to hell; his facial expression Extremely frightening, with dilated pupils, trembling all over the body, sweating, and hair standing on end. The patient is very terrified and manic. During this period, he suffered 3 or 4 complete comas, respiratory and cardiac arrest, and clinical death. He asked in shock: "How can I escape from hell? Please pray for me!"

Dr. Rawlings cannot refuse a dying patient's request. He asked him to follow up and say: "Lord Jesus, please save me from hell and forgive my sins. I give my life to you. If I die, I will go to heaven; if I live, I will follow you forever." ." This was a very simple prayer, and the patient was finally saved. After returning home, he dusted off his Bible and began to pray and read it. Believe that there is life after death.

From then on, Dr. Rawlings knew that death is not extinction, but that there is indeed life after death, eternal life and eternal death. He also studied patients who died suddenly and asked them immediately after they were resuscitated. It turned out that many patients had the experience of entering hell. From then on, he practiced healing, preached the gospel, served diligently, and worked for the Lord. Dr. Rawlings's website: To Hell and Back, which reports the testimonies of patients entering horrific hell, has been translated into many languages.

Then, Dr. Ye and his wife shared their real and touching testimony. Dr.
Ye witnessed that during the Cultural Revolution, his family encountered the storms of life and the turbulent waves, like a lonely boat, drifting for 10 years. During the quarantine, God personally spoke to him for comfort.

"If it weren't for the power of God, the family would have been ruined and the consequences would be disastrous." Dr. Ye said. Afterwards, Sister Yegong Nina witnessed the great love of God, was rescued by God, and brought back to life.

After the message was shared, the entire congregation sang, "The most beautiful blessing in this life is to know the Lord Jesus..." Accompanied by the moving singing, nearly 30 seekers came to the stage and decided to follow the Lord Jesus. The scene was very special. Touching. Then, Pastor Chen Da prayed and blessed, drawing a successful conclusion to the evangelistic meeting.

The number of people participating in the evangelistic meeting was the highest in the 45-year history of the Lord's Grace Church, and many souls were won for the Lord. I would like to give all the glory to the Lord Jesus.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin preached in New Jersey: "Eternal Life"

"Is there still life after death? Do people have souls? Heaven and hell do exist or is it just an ideology?" These topics about life after death have always been a hot topic of concern and discussion.

This Saturday (July 24), at the evangelistic conference held at the Lord's Grace Church in New Jersey at 7 pm, the speaker, Dr. Ye Xiaolin, will give a satisfactory answer to these topics of life after death through the message "Eternal Life". Believers from all churches are welcome to invite catechumens friends to participate.

Dr. Ye was the first physician to report on Life After Life and Near Death Experience (NDE-Near Death Experience) research. Dr. Ye, a devout Christian and a famous cardiologist in the United States, said in a recent exclusive interview with the media that in the face of a large number of clinical facts and sufficient research data, it can be proved that: "Death is not the end of life, but a new life. Start."

The organizer sincerely hopes that friends who are catechumens will attend the meeting enthusiastically, listen to the gospel message, accept the salvation of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, be reborn and saved, and enjoy eternal life.

Lord Grace Church Address: 232 S. Beverwyck Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054 (near Rt. #46, Pathmark Shopping Center). Contact number: (973) 335-0183.

Introduction to Dr. Ye Xiaolin

Dr. Ye Xiaolin, when he was an attending physician in the Department of Cardiology, Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Second Medical University in 1979, was invited by Professor F. Loogen, President of the European Society of Cardiology, and Professor G. Breithardt, Chairman of the Scientific Committee, to go to the Department of Cardiology, University of Dusseldorf, West Germany. The Department is engaged in the scientific research of cardiac clinical medicine. After going abroad, he obtained a German doctor's license and a doctor's degree in medicine the following year. Is the only Chinese member of the German Society of Cardiology. In the past two years, he has published ten papers in German and American Heart Medicine Journals.

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In 1982, Professor Andre Cournand, the Nobel laureate, and Professor P. J. Cannon, director of the Department of Cardiology, invited him to work as a clinician in the Department of Cardiology, Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University School of Medicine, and engaged in nuclear cardiology. Later opened in New Jersey. Dr. Ye deeply felt that the world is like floating clouds, which disappear in a blink of an eye. He preached the gospel everywhere and led people to the Lord. In addition, he also compiled a book of the Gospel that he had preached to scholars around him over the years, and published "Truth‧Life", which has been widely praised by believers and friends of the Gospel at home and abroad.

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Interview with Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD: Eternal Life (1)

Is there still life after death? Do people have souls? Do heaven and hell really exist or is it just an ideology? These are quite controversial issues. The Bible has already given us the answers to these questions. With the continuous advancement of medical science and technology, as well as the painstaking research of some Christian doctors on near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences, it has been fully confirmed that what the Bible says is accurate - after death, people do not end in complete nothingness, but begin to usher in another life. A new life.

Recently, our reporter specially interviewed Dr. Ye Xiaolin, who is the first doctor to report on Life After Life, NDE-Near Death Experience research. Dr. Ye told this newspaper that there is now sufficient research data to prove: "People do continue to have life after their life ends. Death is not the end of life, but the beginning of a new life." He sincerely hopes that those who still live will continue to exist. Friends who have not believed in Jesus can use these testimonies to accept the salvation of the Lord Jesus on the cross, be reborn and saved, and gain eternal life.

Note: Reporter of this newspaper

Ye: Ye Xiaolin

Note: Hello, Dr. Ye! What motivated you to spend so much time reporting on near-death and out-of-body experiences research in the first place?

Ye: Since ancient times, emperors, generals, sages and heroes have all inevitably died. Many people think that "if you don't know life, how can you know death" and "death is like a lamp going out, once you die, you are dead". So I lived a hedonistic life of having wine today and getting drunk today. They attach great importance to the things of the world and this life, thinking that the things of this life will last forever, so in order to gain fame, fortune, status, glory and wealth, they will spare no effort to spend their entire lives.

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But in reality, human beings are nothing but morning dew, clouds and mists that disappear in the blink of an eye, and human beings are strangers and sojourners in this world. He who is busy with the things of this life is like building his life on the sand—it collapses in a storm. We should build the foundation of our lives on the unshakable rock of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The American Heart Association recently reported that 81.1 million people in the United States suffer from cardiovascular disease, and 831,272 of them die. Every year, 1.26 million people suffer from myocardial infarction, and one-third of them die before reaching the hospital. I am a cardiologist, and I often work in the CCU and ICU of the Cardiac Care Unit, where I often meet sad-faced patients, who wake up to their limitations and begin to seriously think about eternal problems. Their outlook on life and values have changed. What they thought was the most valuable thing in the past has become insignificant today. They are willing to listen to my preaching of the gospel.

thank God! Over the past 30 years, some Christian physicians have been studying near-death experiences (Near Death Experience NDE) and out-of-body experiences (Out of Body Experience OBE). There are sufficient research materials to prove that after the end of life, life does continue to exist. Death is not the end of life, but the beginning of a new life. It is "Absent from the body and present with the Lord." (1) Only by accepting the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, being reborn and saved, and gaining the new life of the Lord's resurrection, can one gain eternal life. The Lord said, "Whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die."

Reporter: You have collected and organized a large number of testimonies about near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences. Can you list some testimonies here?

Yeh: Let me first cite the testimonies of two well-known great evangelists.

The first was Dwight Lyman Moody (1837-1899), one of the greatest preachers. On a Sunday in August 1899 he said: "One day you read in the papers that Moody is dead. You must not believe that I was then more active than I am now... I was born physically in 1837, but in 1856 Born again of the Spirit. He that is born of the flesh shall die; but he that is born of the Spirit shall live forever."

In December of that year, near death, on the morning of the 22nd, his son Will heard his father say to him: "The earth is receding, and heaven is opening in front of me. This is not a dream, it is so beautiful there. If this is death, it is true." Sweet; God is calling, I must go, this is the day of my crown." Then he fell into a coma. After being rescued by doctors and regained consciousness, Moody said to them: "I have entered the gate of heaven, it is wonderful there, I saw my two children Irene and Dwight (deceased). I know the time has come, I will go to Before. So he passed away peacefully. (2)

The other is the grandmother of Rev. Billy Graham. Before she died, she was unconscious on the bed. She sat up suddenly and said with a smile, "I saw Jesus, and He stretched out His hand to me. Ben was there too, He already has two eyes and two legs." (Note: Pastor Billy Graham's grandfather lost one leg and one eye in Gettysberg.) Pastor Billy Graham said that there are two stages of death. First, the spirit leaves the body and The Lord is with you. The second stage is the glorious resurrection of the body at the return of the Lord. (3)

Reporter: Do you have any first-hand testimony?

Ye: Yes! I would like to share two testimonies from my family.

My father-in-law, Gong Xinhai (1.16,1906-9.26,1965), graduated from Tsinghua University. It's a banker. In 1965, when he was 59 years old, he suffered from pancreatic cancer. His condition eventually worsened and he felt abnormal pain. He was admitted to Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital for treatment. Morphine was injected daily to relieve pain, and nasal tubes and esophageal tubes were inserted for rescue treatment. On September 26, my wife's entire family and I were at his bedside. Finally, he said to us, "Take the tube out of my body, and now I don't have any pain." He said with a smile on his face, "Heaven is open, I see friends in the Lord coming to welcome me, I want to Home." Then he closed his eyes. At this time the whole family burst into tears. He opened his eyes again and said kindly, "Don't cry, we will meet again." Then he left us and went home to heaven.

The other is the testimony of my mother Li Xiulin (8.24, 1905-8.14, 1989). In October 1988, bad news came. My mother had advanced lung cancer and had metastasized to her bones. There was severe pain all over the body and analgesic injections were necessary. Shanghai pulmonary experts said: He can only survive for more than 50 days. This news was like a bolt from the blue, and I was heartbroken. We three brothers came to the United States one after another in the early 1980s. My parents are elderly, over 80, and have no relatives to take care of me at home. Since Zhimu has become terminally ill, there is no cure. I hope that I can accompany my mother to serve her at the last moment and give her the love and warmth of my family. We were unable to ask for leave to return to China. We had nowhere to go, we were anxious, we prayed with tears every day, we were filled with the Holy Spirit, and we clearly understood God’s will. Then our wife Lena went to pick up my parents to go abroad. But there are many difficulties. It is very difficult for the dying elderly to get a visa. Moreover, my mother suffers from motion sickness and her life is in danger during the long journey. No medical insurance and so on. But with faith and earnest prayer, the visa was miraculously passed. Arriving safely in the United States on November 18th. The whole family, relatives and friends gathered happily, looked up to each other with confidence every day, and relied on His mighty arm. We survived for more than 9 months without any pain, and we didn’t even take a single painkiller. We have experienced God’s great kindness and love, and we are grateful every day .

In the last two weeks, my condition became critical. I used my bedroom as an emergency ward, with oxygen tanks, ECGs, and medicines all available. Accompanying her mother day and night, she returned home safely at 2:40 a.m. on August 14. Later, I received a letter from Xu Aifang (the wife of the former provost of Soochow University, and a friend of my mother’s in the Lord’s house at Hujiang University) telling me that at 2:40 p.m. that day, she was woken up during a nap and clearly heard my mother calling her "Aifang" ”, and since then I have been praying for my family every day. She didn't know my mother was sick, nor did she know the beauty of it. How strange! The year, month, day, and time are so correct, and there is a 12-hour time difference. My mother’s soul went to say goodbye after her death. This is a true example that proves that there is indeed life after death!

Reporter: In the history of medicine, Dr. Ross was the first physician to conduct long-term observations and research on a large number of patients who had near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences. Can you introduce Dr. Ross and his research results in the field of "death"?

Ye: Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, M.D. (7.8,1926 - 8.24,2004) was born in a Christian family in Switzerland. Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Zurich. Came to the United States in 1958. After obtaining a degree in psychiatry in 1968, he taught at the University of Chicago School of Medicine. In 1969, the world-famous book "Death and Dying" was published. For more than 20 years, he has been dedicated to
treating, rescuing and comforting dying patients. She is an authority on the field of "death".

Dr. Ross has formulated five stages of dying patients (Five Stages of Dying), namely Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. It is widely recognized by the medical community and included in medical textbooks. She has received honorary doctorates from 20 universities in the United States. The author of 25 books on death and life after death, her lectures on death have been attended by an estimated 125,000 students. In the history of medicine, Dr. Ross was the first physician to conduct long-term observations and research on a large number of patients who had near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences. She also wrote the preface to Raymond A. Moody, JR., M.D.'s best-selling book "Life After Life."

Dr. Ross described in the chapter "Living and Dying": Everyone has to experience death, but we should not be afraid. Using a silkworm cocoon as a metaphor, the body is like a cocoon. The body is not your real self, but just It is the place where people live temporarily. When the body dies, the self does not die, but becomes a beautiful butterfly, breaks away from the cocoon and flies to a more beautiful and higher realm.

Blood pressure, pulse, heartbeat and respiration, brain waves and heart waves have all disappeared from the human body, but he was able to tell the details of the scene at that time. Someone encountered a serious car accident. The car's body had been smashed, and the ambulance crew pulled his body out of the car. The patient was already in a deep coma at the time, but when his brain waves disappeared, he was able to accurately see and remember the license plate number of the person who hit the car, and saw the driver trying to escape the scene. This is scientifically difficult to explain and incredible. There are many things we cannot understand, but this does not mean that these facts do not exist.

During surgical operations, many patients have an Out of Body Experience and observe the surgeons operating from above. They were under general anesthesia and were unconscious, but they could hear the medical staff's conversations.

There are also patients with disabilities who, during a near-death experience, find that their disabilities have disappeared. The blind can see, the deaf can hear, and the mute can speak. In addition, some patients with multiple sclerosis, who can only live in wheelchairs and cannot speak clearly, wake up after a near-death experience and happily tell doctors that they can jump freely.

Dr. Ross also specially selected blind people who had no sense of light for more than 10 years for research. After their souls leave their bodies, they can tell you in detail the clothes they are wearing, the style and color of their ties, the shape and color of their rings, etc. when they return.

In addition, many people experience distant relatives and friends suddenly appearing before their eyes. A call was received the next day stating that the man had died at this time. In the spirit world, time and distance cease to exist. Most of the dying patients can see their dearest relatives and friends waiting on the other side, or coming to greet them. God's love is unconditional and the greatest love.

In this regard, Dr. Ross, who has studied "death" for many years, once said to her children, "When I die, I will release balloons into the sky to celebrate my graduation. To me, death is graduation." ( 4)

To be continued


(1) 2 Corinthians 5:8

(2) Rawlings, Maurice, M.D.: Beyond Death's Door; 1978, p.53-54

(3) Graham, Billy: Facing Death And The Life After;1987, p.240

(4) Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth, M.D.: On Life After Death; 1991, p.9-20

Introduction to Dr. Ye Xiaolin

Continued from the previous article: Exclusive interview with Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD: Eternal Life (1)

Note: Reporter of this newspaper

Ye: Ye Xiaolin

Reporter: As far as I know, the Chinese version of "Return from Tomorrow" is a classic. The author, Dr. George G. Ritchie, mainly talks about the journey of his soul leaving his body during the nine minutes after his death. It is reported that the book was a best-seller once it was published. Can you tell us more about Dr. Ritchie's experience?

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Ye: In 1943, George G. Ritchie (9/25/1923 - 10/29/2007) was a 20-year-old student preparing to enter medical school. At that time, he volunteered to enlist in the army. While training at the Barkeley Army Camp in Texas, he suddenly contracted influenza, with a body temperature as high as 106.5 F. He died in a hyperthermic coma. His soul left his body and flew forward, crossing the countryside, rivers, woods, and bridges, flying rapidly in the air, until Head towards Richmond. I met pedestrians and talked to them, but they couldn't be heard. Then I asked in front of a cafe, but the visitors ignored me; I decided to return. Returning to the hospital ward, I saw many sleeping soldiers. Finally, when I entered a small room, I saw him wearing a gem ring on his left hand, but the two of them were completely separated. Only then did I truly experience the so-called death in the world. At the moment of despair, the small room was filled with light, the brightness of which could not be described in words. This was Christ, the Lord full of love, gentleness and glory. The details of 20 years of life were displayed before his eyes like scenes in a movie, and he was asked how he could use himself to express Him while he was still alive. Who have you preached the gospel to?

Then we followed Christ through the streets and villages, and finally arrived at a city. The city was crowded with people, their faces full of sorrow. They were focused entirely on the material life of the world, busy and desperate, struggling here. Is this hell? Finally, we arrived at a city where the houses and streets were resplendent and sparkling. Just when he was reluctant to leave, the light disappeared and the soul returned to the body.

When he fully recovered and checked the medical records before leaving the hospital, the final record turned out to be: "Patient George G. Ritchie died on December 20, 1943, of bilobar pneumonia." After that, he talked with the doctor who signed the report. The doctor confirmed that the patient was dead, but 9 minutes later, the guard at the morgue came to the doctor and said that the hands on the blanket were moving slightly, which was the moment when the soul returned to the body. After the doctor's examination, he declared "dead" again, but after the guards insisted on injecting epinephrine into the heart, Ritchie finally came back to life. Despite being deprived of oxygen for a long time, there was no residual brain damage or heart disease.

After several months of recuperation at home, my friend Peter drove back to the camp in Texas. On the way, they passed Mississippi and the city of Picksburg. They had never been here before, but Ritchie still remembered the riverbank and streets after the turn and was very familiar with it. Walking along this street, you will see a white house with a red roof and a neon sign Cafe hanging above the door, so you drive towards the store. This was exactly the café where he had stopped in front of his soul after having an out-of-body experience a few months ago.

After completing his service in 1946, he studied medicine at Virginia Medical College. After graduation, he taught and practiced medicine at the university; he later became a psychiatrist. He used to be the president of the Richmond Physician Association and the director of the psychiatric department of Virginia Towers Hospital. When teaching in medical school, he often talked about his experience to students. At that time, Raymond Moody was also his student, influenced and enlightened by him, so he engaged in collecting and researching near-death experiences. He knew that God had given him a new life of resurrection, and was determined to become a good doctor, to serve Him diligently, to heal the sick, to try his best to help patients with broken hearts, and to counsel and treat the trauma and illness of teenagers. Feel deeply the joy of being with God in my heart, spread the gospel widely, and glorify God's name.

He is the author of ?w=720?w=720"Return from Tomorrow?w=720?w=720" (1) and ?w=720?w=720"My Life After Dying?w=720? w=720", was translated into seven languages. We came to the United States from West Germany in 1980 and met G. Ritchie in Richmond. His sister Mary Jane Ritchie gave me this book in person. We are still friends in the Lord.

Reporter: Please describe in detail Dr. Petti Wagner's miracle testimony.

Ye: Dr. Petti Wagner, doctor of psychology and doctor of medical research, was born in a wealthy family in 1915. At the age of 5, she accepted Jesus Christ. He was very intelligent since he was a child, entered university at the age of 14, invented cold perm hair at the age of 19, and the patent was purchased by European X company, and he became a millionaire immediately. Since then, the Hydroponics (planting without soil) Herbagere machine has been invented. With the approval and sponsorship of government departments and scientists, it became a big seller and made huge profits. In one fell swoop, he became a contemporary rich man, a celebrity, and a man of the hour in and out of the White House. She also established Maritronics Medical Research Company, engaged in drug research and medical consulting.

On March 8, 1971, she received a sudden call and was told that her 81-year-old aunt was admitted to the hospital in critical condition and asked her to visit Room 120 of S Hospital immediately. She rushed there in a hurry, who would have thought that this was actually a big scam to seek wealth and kill her!

The hospital was gloomy and calm. I found Room 120 on the third floor and met two big men. They beat them hard, punched and kicked them. Their face was covered in blood, their bodies were bruised, and their left eye was blind. After a female nurse injected the medicine, she immediately fainted and fell to the ground. Save personnel. When he woke up, he was locked in a dirty and smelly room with only one window, and all precious diamond rings, jewelry, cash, and credit cards were all taken away. I have no grievances or enmity, and I can't understand it. robber? Kidnapping? murder? ? In this way, he was humiliated and tortured indoors for 10 days.

On March 18, three vicious men dragged him to the electroshock room, placed him on a steel operating table, and applied 240 volts of high-voltage electricity. The current passed through him, causing his whole body to convulse into an arch shape, his heartbeat and breathing suddenly stopped, and his hair immediately turned white. die. Death certificate signed by Dr. R. Holmes.

At this moment, Dr. Wagner's spirit body left the body, saw his own body on the top, and then flew away from the dark
and murderous room, feeling infinite peace and tranquility. Suddenly, there was light all around her, and another strong light appeared, and among them was the extremely beautiful Lord Jesus Christ. Full of love, gentleness, and compassion. The Savior asked her to sit face to face, full of joy and grace. The blue sky, clouds, grand gardens, resplendent palaces, strange and fragrant flowers and plants are all holy and flawless scenes. The presence of God is so wonderful, I have been here for 6 hours, and I can't think of leaving. Finally, the Lord asked, "Do you want to stay here or go back?" She thought of her two underage children and the holy work on earth had not yet been completed, so how could she return to heaven empty-handed. So asked to return.

Dr. Wagner lay down on the bed after waking up. She has experienced the power of God and knows that God will help her escape from the devil's den. Following the guidance of the Holy Spirit, she secretly hid a spoon to use as an auger. On March 19, all 200 screws on the window were miraculously unscrewed, and the glass window, plexiglass plate, iron rod, etc. were removed one by one. The door of the room was locked tightly, and there were guards outside, so there was no alarm at all. Then he jumped down from the three-story building and landed lightly without any pain. Truly a miracle.

After returning home, I found that everything in my home and company had been looted. Zelda is the mastermind. Her boyfriend and his lawyer learned that Dr. Wagner would receive a large amount of money after his death. They were extremely excited and eager to collect the body and obtain the death certificate. He hurriedly drove the plane to Texas, but crashed and died halfway. George's accomplice, after hearing the news of his death, drank heavily and died in a car accident that day. Don was also an accomplice and died of a sudden cerebral hemorrhage. Within one day on March 19, all four criminals died unexpectedly. God's retribution is so swift, it is awe-inspiring! ! Zelda has since died of a drug overdose. The murderer died of a stroke shortly after he testified in court.

These are not fairy tales from the Arabian Nights, but true facts. The book contains photos of her taking photos with the president and congressmen in the White House. There are TV photos of him at the 700 Club with Congressman and Pat Robertson after he was resurrected, as well as a death certificate. There are medical records of cancer patients who were suddenly cured after prayer and other documents. Prove that what we believe in is the true and living God!

After Dr. Wagner was resurrected, he met at Lakewood Church. Author of ?w=720?w=720"Murdered Heiress . . . Living Witness?w=720?w=720" (2). The preface reads: "She was respected and loved by everyone in the church. She led many people to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior. God's powerful deeds have enhanced our faith."

With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. (Matthew 19:26)

In addition, I want to explain that human beings are composed of two parts: "body" and "soul". The Bible tells us that the spirit and soul are separate. A person who is saved and regenerated by grace has two different lives within him. One is the life that comes from the flesh, the flesh and the soul, and is called the "outer man." The other is spiritual life born from the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of God dwells in the human spirit, which is called the "inner man." (2 Corinthians 4:16; Ephesians 3:16 The Inner Man)

The criteria for judging death are: breathing stops, heart stops beating, and brain function is lost. During the Cardiac Arrest process, three death criteria will appear. However, within a period of time thereafter, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) surgery can make the patient's heart beat again and save the patient from the brink of death.

In patients who are dying, their spiritual body (Spiritual Body = Spirit, Soul, Being, Consciousness, Heart, Mind, Psyche, Self, Thought...etc.) leaves the physical body (Physical Body) and the spirit body leaves the body.

Dr. Raymond A. Moody named it NDE - Near Death Experience.

Reporter: It is said that ?w=720?w=720"Life After Life?w=720?w=720" caused a sensation in the West, so people call the author The Father of Near Death Studies?

Ye: Not bad. Raymond A. Moody, M.D., Ph.D. was the first to compile a book on the experiences of 150 near-death patients in his masterpiece ?w=720?w=720"Life After Life?w=720? The book "w=720" (3) became a best-seller and was translated into many languages. Since then, many countries have established research societies and published magazine reports. An estimated 13 million people in the United States have had a near-death experience.

A patient suffered from a heart attack and was on the verge of death. His soul left his body and flew to the corner of the ward to watch the medical staff rescue him. At this time, he suddenly saw his sister coming. She was also living in the hospital and was in a diabetic coma. While they were talking, the sister said goodbye. When the patient wanted to go with him, the sister told his brother that his time had not arrived yet. , that is, leaving and entering the tunnel. After the patient regained consciousness, he told the doctor that his sister had died. They did not believe it, and after a call from the nurse, they confirmed that his sister had died not long ago. (4)

A 70-year-old female patient with myocardial infarction has been blind since she was 18 years old. She is being rescued in the hospital. After cardiac arrest and resuscitation, she can describe the medical equipment and colors used by doctors for emergency treatment. What's even more amazing is that these novel devices did not exist 50 years ago. She could also name the blue uniforms doctors wear when performing CPR. (5)

Dying patients all have similar experiences: When the doctor declares death, they all feel peaceful and relieved. The physical pain disappeared immediately, and I found that I had separated from the physical body, turned into a spirit body, and soared into the sky. The spirit body and the physical body have completely different properties and abilities, and their bodies can be viewed from a certain distance. Then quickly fly through a long dark tunnel, and you will meet deceased relatives and friends coming to welcome help. Later, I saw an unusually bright light (Being of Light). This light was God, whose love and warmth could not be described or expressed in words. He displays the main events of each person's life in a quick video review. After that, he found that he was close to the dividing line between life on earth and life in the future. He felt infinite joy and peace and did not want to leave this place. But God wanted him to return to his body. After resuscitation, most NDE patients experience great changes in their lives. No longer fearful of death, life is full of hope, has love for others, and glorifies God’s name.

NDE patients' souls leave their bodies and observe in space, and they can describe the situation after recovery. This confuses many doctors because the patient has no medical knowledge, but can correctly describe the detailed situation before rescue and resuscitation. Patients experience out-of-body experiences during resuscitation and can describe details of activities inside and outside the ward they saw when their heart and breathing stopped. They can also leave the operating room and fly to the hospital's waiting room, where they can see relatives and friends and listen to their conversations. When I met my relatives and friends after recovery, it was confirmed that this was indeed the case.

Reporter: Can you give some testimonies of non-Christian doctors who believed in the Lord after studying near death?

Ye: Michael Sabom is a cardiologist. He was a disbeliever at first, but he became convinced after studying 116 cases of death. He wrote a book saying, "I am now a devout Christian. There is life after physical death, and 'eternal life' is our basic belief." He conducted a comparative study on two groups of patients. Almost all patients suffered cardiac arrest and required cardiopulmonary resuscitation. One group used 25 critically ill patients who were familiar with medical knowledge to describe the process of cardiac resuscitation. Among them, 23 cases had huge errors in their descriptions. The 32 patients who were on the verge of death and experienced the soul leaving the body watched themselves being rescued in the operating room or emergency room. The experiences described were not wrong in any of them. This is strong evidence that they were indeed out of body and watching the scene from outside their bodies. (6)

Dr. Melvin Morse used to be indifferent to God, whether there is life after death, etc., but now he writes books and lectures to prove that there is eternal life and eternal death. In the past, when flying in turbulence, I was afraid of death. Now I want to see the light and regard death as home. When he was a pediatric resident in 1982, he treated a beautiful 7-year-old girl who drowned in a YMCA public swimming pool and was on the verge of death. Katie suffered cardiac arrest for 19 minutes. When examined by Dr. Morse, the CAT brain scan showed extensive brain edema, no Gag reflex, and fixed and dilated pupils, implying irreversible damage to the brain. But the family members prayed for her at the bedside together, and after 3 days, the girl fully recovered. She described how the doctors treated her, and told how she had gone through a long dark tunnel and was accompanied by a blond angel back home to visit her parents and siblings. Finally, he went to meet God and felt the happiness of heaven. Jesus asked her if she wanted to see her mother, Katie said yes, and woke up. After waking up, they can tell the color of their clothes, the room and what they are doing, which is completely in line with the situation at that time. Since then, Dr. Morse has conducted in-depth research on pediatric patients with NDE and ruled out the possibility of dreams, hallucinations, anesthesia reactions, brain hypoxia, and drug-induced hallucinations. Children rarely have the concept of religious traditions and death, they are innocent and will not make up. They have first-hand experience of out-of-body travel, inspiration, and conversations with deceased relatives and friends, proving that NDE is a fact. Many people have also received special powers such as precognition and strange dreams. Children and adults who experience NDE are no longer afraid of death, and their lives and lives have changed. They are closer to God, work hard, and honor God and benefit others. ?w=720?w=720"Closer to the Light?w=720?w=720" and ?w=720?w=720"Transformed by the Light?w=720?w= edited by Dr. Morse 720", he is an authority on children's near-death experiences. (7,8)

Dr. Diane Komp is a professor of pediatrics at Yale University. She has been at the bedside of pediatricians for 25 years, listening to their dying stories of visions of peace and hope. In his early years, he was with a 7-year-old girl with advanced leukemia and her family members. Finally, the girl tried her best to sit up and said: "Mom, the angels are coming. They are so beautiful. Do you see it? Do you hear their singing? I have never heard it before. Singing so sweetly." Then the daughter passed away peacefully. Dr. Komp believes that this is God's speech to the world, and it is a gift of peace during death. When she was studying in medical school, she was still an agnostic and atheist. It was not until she saw many critical and dying cases that she completely changed. Now everything she writes and speaks is about Christ, and she passionately helps dying children and their families prepare for death. The coming of death. Visions of gods, angels, deceased relatives and friends, or heaven are often seen by dying children when they are conscious. These phenomena are very real, similar to near-death experiences. Visions before death often occur in patients who have not taken sleeping pills or sedatives. Patients who are conscious a few hours before death and who are in pain suddenly disappear. They often see visions of the other side and talk to or be accompanied by deceased relatives and friends. . (9)

To be continued


(1) George G. Ritchie, M.D.: Return From Tomorrow; Chosen Books, Lincoln, VA, 1978

(2) Dr. Petti Wagner: Murdered Heiress … Living witness; Destiny Image Publishers, Shippensburg, PA, 1984

(3) Raymond A. Moody, Jr. M.D.: Life After Life; Bantam Books, New York, 1975

Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD: Truth·Life; Association of Christian Messengers, Chapter 5. Three editions (1998, 2000, 2006 after death) (enhanced edition)

(4) Raymond A. Moody, Jr. M.D.: Light Beyond; Bantam Books, New York, 1988, P.171

(5) Raymond A. Moody, Jr. M.D.: Light Beyond; Bantam Books, New York, 1988, P.173

(6) Melvin Morse, M.D.: Closer To The Light; Ivy Books, New York, 1990, P.120

(7) Melvin Morse, M.D.: Closer To The Light; Ivy Books, New York, 1990, P.1-17

(8) Melvin Morse, M.D.: Transformed By The Light; Ivy Books, New York, 1992,P.22-23

(9) Diane M Komp, M.D. A Window To Heaven; Zondervan Publishing House, 1992

Life After Death; Life, Mar.1992, P.65-73

﹡This article still uses "soul" to express

Introduction to Dr. Ye Xiaolin

Dr. Ye Xiaolin, when he was an attending physician in the Department of Cardiology, Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Second Medical University in 1979, was invited by Professor F. Loogen, President of the European Society of Cardiology, and Professor G. Breithardt, Chairman of the Scientific Committee, to go to the Department of Cardiology, University of Dusseldorf, West Germany. The Department is engaged in the scientific research of cardiac clinical medicine. After going abroad, he obtained a German doctor's license and a medical doctor's degree the following year. Is the only Chinese member of the German Society of Cardiology. In the past two years, a total of ten papers have been published in German and American cardiac medical journals.

In 1982, Professor Andre Cournand, the Nobel laureate, and Professor P. J. Cannon, director of the Department of Cardiology, invited him to work as a clinician in the Department of Cardiology, Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University School of Medicine, and engaged in nuclear cardiology. Later opened in New Jersey, specializing in internal medicine and natural medicine. Dr. Ye deeply felt that the world is like floating clouds, which disappear in a blink of an eye. He preached the gospel everywhere and led people to the Lord. In addition, he also compiled a book of the Gospel that he had preached to scholars around him over the years, and published "Truth‧Life", which has been widely praised by believers and friends of the Gospel at home and abroad.

Exclusive interview with Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD: Eternal Life (3)

Is there still life after death? Do people have souls? Do heaven and hell really exist? Or is it a superstitious mentality that is opposed to science? These are quite controversial issues. The Bible already has answers to these questions. ��The painstaking research of some Christian doctors on near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences has fully confirmed that what the Bible says is accurate - people do not end in complete nothingness after death, but begin to usher in a new life.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD, is the first physician to report on Life After Life, NDE-Near Death Experience research. Recently, in an exclusive interview with this newspaper, Dr. Ye said that there are now sufficient research materials
to prove: "After the end of life, people do continue to have life. Death is not the end of life, but the beginning of another new life." He sincerely hopes that these near-death testimonies will enable those friends who have not yet believed in Jesus to accept the salvation of the Lord Jesus on the cross, be reborn and saved, and gain eternal life.

Continuation of the previous article:

Exclusive interview with Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD: Eternal Life (1)

Exclusive interview with Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD: Eternal Life (2)

Note: Reporter of this newspaper

Ye: Ye Xiaolin

Reporter: The Bible says that there is still life after death. Is there any medical basis for this to prove that death is not the end of life, but the beginning of a new life?

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Ye: In 2001, a clinical research report on a large number of near-death NDE cases, jointly participated by 10 hospitals in the Netherlands, was published for the first time in the world-famous medical journal "The Lancet". There were 344 patients with myocardial infarction or cardiac arrest who had undergone cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) surgery, and 62 of them reported near-death experiences. They have various experiences, including: realizing that they are dead, being happy and optimistic, leaving the body, walking through a tunnel, communicating with light (God), observing strange colors and heavenly scenes, meeting deceased relatives and friends, life review, and insight. The boundary between life and death, etc., and various factors affecting the NDE phenomenon were studied and analyzed. The results proved that NDE is not related to the time of cardiac arrest or coma, the effect of the drugs used, and the psychological factors of fear of death. Patients have been followed for 2-8 years. The life-changing course of patients with NDE is very different from that of cases without NDE.

One night, a 44-year-old male patient who was deeply comatose and cyanotic was sent to the emergency room. After rescuing him with artificial respiration, cardiac massage, and defibrillation, when he was about to be intubated, it was discovered that he had dentures in his mouth. He immediately took out his dentures and placed them in the drawer of the ward cart. After one and a half hours of active rescue, the heart rhythm and blood pressure recovered slightly, but he was still in a deep coma, so he was transferred to the cardiac care unit to continue artificial respiration. After more than a week, the patient escaped and was sent to the heart ward. On that day, the nurse was dispensing medicine and was discovered by the patient. She immediately explained to her, "It was you who put my dentures in the cart drawer." The nurse was very surprised because the patient was in a deep coma and was unconscious at the time. CPR rescue. He was lying on the hospital bed, his spirit body floating in the air, looking down at the busy medical staff. At that time, the condition was very critical and the prognosis was extremely poor. The doctor was ready to give up, but he fully understood and hoped to continue CPR rescue. The patient could clearly state the specific situation at that time and describe all the rescue measures, which were completely consistent with the scene at the scene.

Medical research analysis points out that patients with flat electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram and brain loss can have clear thinking outside the body during clinical death. Medical science has so far been unable to find any theory to explain the phenomenon of NDE, nor can it explain how memories, thoughts, feelings and consciousness can exist outside the body without the brain. (1)

This article was published in the world-famous medical journal "The Lancet", and there are a large number of clinical research reports on NDE cases, as well as the research data of the first two phases, which fully prove that people do continue to live after the end of life. Death is not the end of life, but the beginning of a new life. The Bible means "Absent from the body and present with the Lord" (2 Corinthians 5:8)

Reporter: Many people want to know whether heaven really exists. Can you give two testimonies of returning from the dead after going to heaven?

Ye: Dr. Richard E. Eby, former professor of obstetrics and gynecology, president of American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. At 11 a.m. on July 16, 1972, he and his wife Maybelle sorted out their clothes at their Chicago residence, packed the waste in cardboard boxes, and dropped it from the balcony on the second floor. Unexpectedly, the wooden railing on the balcony was eaten by termites and fell into disrepair for a long time. It suddenly broke and fell from the balcony. His wife ran downstairs and found that his skull was ruptured, his brain was split, his face was pale, and his pupils were dilated. He was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. At that time, the surgeon Dr. Clark was in charge of first aid. The heart and breathing had stopped, and there was no blood flow in the brain. The electrocardiogram and electroencephalogram showed "flat straight line". Declared clinical death, sent to the morgue to wait for the funeral, and informed his wife to go to the hospital to arrange the funeral tomorrow morning.

Dr. Eby clearly realized that his body had died, but his heart was very peaceful. In an instant, his soul left his body and entered heaven. The soul bound by the body enters the peaceful and peaceful spiritual world, becomes a spiritual body in an instant, and leaps into the paradise. Its body is transparent and it is dressed in white. It has no bones or internal organs, but it has hands and feet. Its mind is extremely sensitive, its eyes are sharp, and it can see thousands of miles. There are beautiful and white flowers and plants all around, and trees stand on both sides. The scenery is so beautiful that words cannot describe it. The fragrance is everywhere, and there is the melodious music of angels singing around the throne of God. There is no light of the world there, but it is filled with the glory of God. As the apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 12: "I know a man in Christ who was caught up to the third heaven fourteen years ago; . . . Words must not be spoken.” Also, “The sun and the moon did not shine in the city, for the glory of God lighted it, and the Lamb was its lamp” (Revelation 21:23).

Dr. Eby heard Jesus say to him in the cloud: "I want to heal you, use your hands to heal the sick." The Lord mentioned that he went to Paradise, experienced the joy of heaven, and then asked him to come back and testify for the Lord. After 18 hours, at 6:30 AM on the 17th, a young pastor was sprinkling holy water on his body in the mortuary, and suddenly he heard a voice calling him "Thank you, pastor", and saw another corpse from the dead Resurrected, terrified. Dr. Eby said to him, "I just came back from heaven."

He was sent to the ward with his head split in half, and the positions of his eyes and ears were uneven. Dr. Lay, an expert in brain surgery, integrated the skull and sewed it up. She had never seen such a severe case of skull fragmentation. After several treatments, his mind returned to normal, and his brain function also recovered day by day, and he was discharged from the hospital and returned home. After that, he practiced medicine, preached the gospel, and worked diligently for the Lord. Author of "Caught up into Paradise" (2). Witnessed the glory of God on 700 Club TV station. The author has corresponded with him for many years and made phone calls to say hello to the Lord. Dr. Eby died on December 26, 2002 at the age of 90.

The Bible records that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead: "It is for the glory of God, that the Son of God may be glorified through it." (John 11:4) Jesus sighed in his heart again, and came to the tomb; Stone blocks. Jesus said, "Take away the stone." Martha, the dead man's sister, said to him, "Lord, he must be smelly now, for he has been dead four days." Jesus said, "I am not against you Did you say that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?" They removed the stone; Jesus lifted up his eyes and said, "I thank you, Father, because you have heard me. I also know that you always hear me , but I said this for the sake of all the people standing around, that they might believe that You sent me.” And when he had said this, he cried out with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out.” And the dead man came out, Hands and feet are wrapped in cloth, and a handkerchief is wrapped around the face. Jesus said to them, "Untie him and let him go." (John 11:38-44)

Reporter: Please describe in detail the wonderful testimony of Rev. Don Piper, the author of "90 Minutes to Heaven".

Ye: On January 18, 1989, an 18-wheeler truck from a prison in Texas suddenly crossed the center line and charged straight at the Ford sedan driven by Pastor Don Piper, crushing it against the railing of the bridge. It must be smashed, it is really a sudden disaster. According to records, the truck was traveling at 60 mph, and the relative speed of the impact was approximately 110 mph. The police officers arrived in time, after a physical examination, his heartbeat and breathing stopped, his body was torn apart, bloody and bloody, the rescue was invalid, and he was pronounced dead on the spot. Time: 11:45 am, age 38.

At that time, Don was already standing in front of the magnificent gate of heaven, overflowing with joy. Seeing a group of laughing and familiar relatives and friends, they flocked forward and gave a warm welcome. The first was grandfather Joe Kulbeth, who stretched out his arms and hugged him tightly. Recalling the time when I suffered from myocardial infarction at home and was admitted to the hospital with an ambulance but the rescue failed, I am overjoyed to be able to meet again here. Many people gathered around, kissed her cheeks, and held his hands tightly, feeling extremely loving. Afterwards, I met Mike Wood, my childhood friend, who was a very devout Christian. He invited Don to go to Sunday school, so he accepted the Savior Jesus. He died in a car accident at the age of 19, which was very sad. It's a great pleasure to meet you today. Seeing my great-grandfather again, I was very excited to welcome him. There is also my great-grandmother, who has no hunchback and is younger and more beautiful than before. Many people who had helped him grow in life came to congratulate him, their faces were full of glory, they were full of joy, laughter and hospitality. The joy of the saints is far beyond the reunion in the world. Everyone radiates the perfect love mentioned in the Bible.

Don looked around, the light was shining brightly. From the front door came another great light, brighter than the light beside him, the sun's rays, all brilliant, and he was immersed in the intense and splendid glory; and as he moved forward, the glory was more intense, and he knew with certainty that he had met God. , beholding His beauty, filled with holy awe.

Then, the most beautiful and sweet sacred music was heard, the melody of praise, the never-ending music, the beautiful and harmonious hymn. Sing praises to the Lamb of God, glory to God in the highest. Everything around him was so bright, beautiful, colorful, and brilliant, and accompanied by the sound of thousands of sacred music, he followed the saints towards the magnificent, rainbow-beaded gate of heaven, gradually approaching, and saw that the gate was full of spirits. The streets paved with gold, I feel infinite joy and beauty. When he was about to enter, he stopped suddenly, stood and watched, and left heaven.

At this time, the road traffic was completely blocked, and the long line of vehicles had reached several miles. Among them were Dick and Anita Onerecken, who learned that there was a serious car accident ahead and the driver had died. Pastor Dick responded to God's call and urged: "You must pray for that person." They hurried forward on foot, but the police prevented him from entering the carriage to pray for the dead. After repeated requests, Fang Shi agreed, and warned him that the situation under the canvas was appalling.

Dick walked to the Ford sedan covered with canvas, climbed into the wrecked car, wept earnestly, prayed for the dead, and then sang hymns to pray. When he was singing hymns, Don suddenly sang along with him - What A Friend We Have In Jesus, what a surprise intersection. After dying for an hour and a half, God gave him resurrection. Pastor Dick immediately rushed to the emergency medical personnel to report the situation. They used special tools (Jaws of Life) to cut open the flattened car, lifted his body into an ambulance, and rushed to the hospital for emergency treatment.

When he regained consciousness, his first feeling was: there was a strong hand holding his hand tightly! The doctors also couldn't explain that after such a severe impact, the head, chest cavity, and internal organs were not damaged! There is only one muscle in the left forearm connecting to the left hand, and all major bones have been lost. The right leg was crushed and the femur of the left leg disappeared. His body was torn apart, he was in severe pain, his lungs were shrinking, and he was suffering from pneumonia. He was dying and close to death.

Firstly, two 12-hour bone setting and Ilizarov frame and other major surgeries were performed. He stayed in the hospital for 4 months, underwent 34 surgeries, lost 60 pounds, and suffered from severe pain every day. Lying on the hospital bed for another 13 months, I was extremely exhausted mentally, physically and mentally, depressed, self-pity, pessimistic, sad, crying, disappointed... I suffered from depression again. Through the earnest prayers of thousands of saints for him, God miraculously brought him back to life gradually.

One morning, I heard two poems, Praise the Lord - The Imperials and We Are The Reason -
David Meece. He was so moved by the Holy Spirit that he burst into tears for an hour. He praises the Lord! Praise the Lord in every situation! The real meaning of living is to give your life to Christ. In an instant, God healed him. All despair and depression disappeared because he knew that Jesus was with him. Don experienced great suffering, and his powerful testimony encouraged, helped, and comforted many who suffered in various afflictions.

This trip to heaven convinced him completely. God hears our prayers. He had no doubt that God continued to perform supernatural signs and wonders. He really knows the reality of heaven, so he urgently hopes that people will clearly realize the fragility and limitation of their lives, which may disappear at any time, so they must clarify the destination of their souls.

Pastor Don Piper is now preaching the Gospel all over the world. He has testified to the glory of God on CBN TV at the 700 Club. Author of a book "90 Minutes in Heaven" (Chinese translation: "90 Minutes in Heaven"). He bore a good testimony for the Lord and helped tens of thousands of people get a new life of the resurrected Christ. The book has been listed as the best-selling book of "New York Times" and "Washington Post" for three consecutive years. It has sold 3.5 million copies and has been translated into many languages. (3)

Reporter: Then, how can people obtain eternal life and enter heaven after death?

Ye: The Bible makes it very clear:

God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

To know your only true God, and to know Jesus Christ whom you have sent, is eternal life. (John 17:3)

The saints "desire for a better country, even in heaven . . . for he has prepared a city for them" (Hebrews 11:16 )

That city is "the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem" (Hebrews 12:22)

Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, and human hearts have not conceived the things God has prepared for those who love Him. (1 Cor 2:9)

Thank the Lord! Anyone who confesses his sins, repentes, accepts the salvation of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, and is reborn and saved can obtain eternal life.

To be continued


1. Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD: Truth·Life; Association of Christian Messengers, Chapter 5. Three editions (1998, 2000, 2006 after his death) (updated edition)

Lommel P, Wees R, Meyers V, Elfferich I. Near-death experience in survivors of cardiac arrest: A prospective study in the Netherlands. The Lancet 2001;358:2039-45.

2. Eby, Richard E., D.O.: Caught up into Paradise, Fleming H. Revell, Grand Rapids, MI, 1978

3. Don Piper: 90 Minutes In Heaven, Revell, Grand Rapids, MI, 2004

Exclusive interview with Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD: Eternal Life (4)

Dr. Ye Xiaolin has reported on the medical community’s intensive research on near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences in recent years, which fully confirms that what the Bible says is accurate—death is not the end of life, and there is indeed the existence of life after death, that is, eternal life and eternal death.

In the face of a large amount of facts and research data, it is absolutely certain that there is not only life after death, but also heaven and hell. It is absolutely true that people have souls, so we must clarify the destination of our souls.

He sincerely hopes that the testimony of these facts will enable you to accept the salvation of the cross of Lord Jesus Christ, be reborn and saved, and gain eternal life.

Continuation of the previous article

Exclusive interview with Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD: Eternal Life (1)

Exclusive interview with Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD: Eternal Life (2)

Exclusive interview with Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD: Eternal Life (3)

Note: Reporter of this newspaper

Ye: Ye Xiaolin

Reporter: Please introduce the explanation and teaching of hell in the Bible.

Ye: Jesus taught us: "Enter by the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many people enter in; but narrow is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to eternal life. and few are found.” (Matthew 7:13, 14)

"Jesus said to them, You are from below, and I am from above. You are of this world, and I am not of this world. You will die in your sins. If you do not believe that I am the Christ, you must dead in your sins." (John 8:23, 24)

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"These will go to everlasting punishment, but the righteous will go to eternal life." (Matthew 25: 46)

"A rich man died and was buried. He was tormented in Hades (Greek)... and he cried out, My father Abraham, have mercy on me; send Lazarus, and dip the tip of his finger in Pour some water and cool my tongue, for I am in great pain in this flame. Abraham said: Between you and me there is an abyss bounded,'' (Luke 16:19-31)

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said, "It is better for you to lose one of your members than to have your whole body thrown into hell." (Matthew 5:29)

The "hell" (Greek Geenna, Gehenna) spoken of by Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:22, 29, 30; 10:28; 18:9; 23:15, 33; Luke 12:5; James 3:6), It is a stern warning, the result of sin. There the worm is immortal and the fire is unquenchable. (Mark 9:44-49).

"They were all judged according to what they had done. Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This lake of fire is the second death. If anyone's name is not written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire inside.” (Revelation 19:20; 20:10, 14, 15; 21:8)

Reporter: Can you give me a testimony about someone who went to hell and came back from the dead?

Ye: Thomas Welch, just started working at the sawmill on July 1, 1924. He passed the viaduct, and when he was sorting the timber, he accidentally slipped and fell, and fell from the bridge 55 feet above the water into the lake. An engineer witnessed him slipping headfirst into the lake and then disappearing on the water. At that time, there were 70 people working around the machine tool. After seeing this, they immediately stopped working to search for it. It was about an hour later that M.J.H. Gunderson found the body and witnessed that he was dead.

At this time, Thomas has died and his soul has left his body and gone to another world. He stands in front of the raging blue flames and watches. No one is in the lake of fire. This kind of lake of fire burning with brimstone and the extremely terrifying scene of the Doomsday Judgment cannot be expressed in words. There is no way out here. There were also two deceased people who knew each other who were watching uneasily. I also heard Mrs. Brocke’s prayer: Please God not to let Thomas die because he has not been saved yet. In the midst of panic and terror, Thomas suddenly saw the kind and merciful Lord Jesus coming to rescue him. Suddenly his soul returned to his body and he was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. Lie in the hospital bed for 4 whole days, had intimate fellowship with God, missed the past, saw the lake of fire, met relatives and friends, saved by Jesus, resurrected again, etc., are still vivid in my mind. Thomas experienced God's presence and prayed loudly many times to ask God's will. At 9 a.m. the next day, he clearly heard the Holy Spirit saying to him: "Go and tell the world how you were resurrected and what you saw." The lake of fire he saw was just like Revelation 20:10; 21:8: "... They will be tormented day and night forever and ever... Their part will be in the lake of fire that burns with brimstone, which is the second death."

He wrote a book: "The Thomas Welch Story" to testify to what he saw. (1)

Kenneth E Hagin (Aug.20, 1917 - Sep.19, 2003 ), at 7:30 p.m. on April 21, 1933, the heart stopped, the soul came out of the body, and went down to the dark abyss. . Around the prison wall, firelight flickered, and there was a huge white-topped fireball, which was like a magnet, attracting it tightly and pulling it down. When he reached the bottom of hell, he realized there was a spirit next to him and put his hand on his arm to protect him. At the same time, the voice of God is heard, resounding through the abyss. Then the evil spirit let go, allowing him to escape from its clutches and his soul returned to his body. At that time, my grandmother was filled with surprise and said, "Son! I thought you had left this world and died."

After he was saved by God, he spoke about God's grace everywhere and testified that hell does exist. Hagin became a pastor two years later and served diligently, preaching the gospel and leading many people to the Lord. After that, he became a world-famous pastor. He also established the RHEMA Bible Training Center in Oklahoma, which has expanded to 14 countries including Germany and Italy, with a total of 30,000 students graduating. Radio and television stations were also set up to broadcast to the world. 600,000 people subscribe to its monthly magazine "The Word of Faith". (2)

Reporter: Please describe the wonderful testimony of Dr. Maurice Rawlings.

Ye: Maurice Rawlings, M.D. (1923 - Jan.5, 2010) is the personal physician of President Eisenhower, the physician of the Chief of Staff, a famous cardiologist and clinical professor of Tennessee University School of Medicine.

Critically ill patients often complain of heaven and hell after recovery. He used to think of death as the painless demise of life. His turning point was when he performed an exercise test on a 48-year-old male heart patient, who suddenly had an irregular heart rhythm, atrial fibrillation, and then died in the clinic. No breathing, no heartbeat, eyes turned up, back arched, face turned blue, loss of consciousness and convulsions, complete heart block, immediate rescue. When the pacemaker was inserted and the heartbeat and breathing recovered slightly, the patient exclaimed: "I am in hell, help me out of hell quickly, don't stop!" When the rescue was stopped, the patient returned to hell; the expression on his face Extremely frightening, with dilated pupils, trembling all over the body, sweating, and hair standing on end. The patient was very frightened and manic. During this period, he suffered 3 or 4 complete comas, respiratory and cardiac arrest, and clinical death. He asked in shock: "How can I escape from hell? Please pray for me!"

Dr. Rawlings cannot refuse a dying patient's request. Let him say: "Lord Jesus, please save me from hell and forgive my sins. I give my life to you. If I die, I will go to heaven; if I live, I will follow you forever." ." This was a very simple prayer, and the patient was finally saved. After returning home, he brushed the dust off the Bible, read the Bible and carefully looked for how terrible hell was, and found that all the words of God were true, so he began to pray and read the Bible. I firmly believe that there is life after death.

Thereafter, the patient became a truly committed and faithful Christian witness to Jesus. He remembered Dr. Rawlings's prayers, and he remembered being in the back of the room, watching the doctors resuscitate him. In addition, he met his late mother. In a colorful canyon, with green grass everywhere, there is a strong light illuminating it. I felt very happy after meeting. This was the first time he met her. When he was 15 months old, his 21-year-old mother died. Soon, my father remarried. When his aunt heard about his experience, she found some photos from which he could accurately identify her. This surprised both him and his father.

From then on, Dr. Rawlings knew that death is not extinction, but that there is indeed life after death, eternal life and eternal death. He also studied patients who died suddenly and asked them immediately after they were resuscitated. It turned out that many patients had experienced going to hell. Doctors' rescue is to perform resuscitation on patients who are reversibly dead. Four minutes after brain death, the patient is irreversibly dead. This kind of resuscitation from death is called resurrection, which is a miracle.

He not only practiced medicine and cured
diseases, but also preached the gospel, served diligently, and worked for the Lord. Author of "Beyond Death?w=720's Door", "To Hell and Back", "Where Are You Going?" and other books (3)

His website: To Hell and Back, which reports on the testimonies of patients entering horrific hell, has been translated into many languages.

Reporter: What should we do to ensure that we can go to heaven and enjoy eternal life?

Ye: “The Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living being” (Genesis 2:7)

"Just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, so death spread to all, because all have sinned." (Romans 5:12)

"It is appointed for men once to die, and after that the judgment." (Hebrews 9:27)

The Bible tells us that everyone is guilty. Because of sin, everyone must face death and be judged by God for their sins after death.

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God; but are now justified freely by God’s grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 3:23)

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

God sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to become a human being, to be crucified on the cross for our sins, to be buried, and to be resurrected on the third day. Anyone who confesses his sins, repents, and accepts the salvation of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ will no longer be condemned, and can be reborn and saved, and receive eternal life.

"There is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)

"Jesus said, I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, even though he dies, yet he will live. Whoever lives and believes in me will never die." (John 11:25-26).

"Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever keeps my word will never see death." (John 8:51). “This is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” (John 17:3; John 5:24).

The original meaning of "knowledge" is not only knowledge in the mind, but also a special and intimate relationship. It is union with Christ and an intimate personal relationship with Jesus (cf. John 10:14, 15; 14:17).

"He who believes in the Son has eternal life." (John 3:36).

Therefore, all those who accept the Lord Jesus to be redeemed have eternal life. And death is simply a process: passing from the mortal life of the flesh to the spiritual life of everlasting glory; from this world to the more beautiful eternal city in heaven. Throughout the ages, millions of believers have accepted Jesus Christ and received eternal life.


1. Thomas Welch: The Thomas Welch Story: Christ For the Nations, Inc. Dallas, Taxas. 1976, 2004

2. Maurice Rawlings: Beyond Death’s Door, Bantam Books, 1979


3. Maurice Rawlings: Beyond Death’s Door, Bantam Books, 1979

Mauriice Rawlings, M.D.: To Hell and Back: Life After Death-Startling New Evidence. Thomas Nelson Publishers;


Mauriice Rawlings, M.D.: Which way are you going? Zondervan Publishers, 1978, 2008

Introduction to Dr. Ye Xiaolin

Dr. Ye Xiaolin, when he was an attending physician in the Department of Cardiology, Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Second Medical University in 1979, was invited by Professor F. Loogen, President of the European Society of Cardiology, and Professor G. Breithardt, Chairman of the Scientific Committee, to go to the Department of Cardiology, University of Dusseldorf, West Germany. The Department is engaged in the scientific research of cardiac clinical medicine. After going abroad, he obtained a German doctor's license and a doctor's degree in medicine the following year. Is the only Chinese member of the German Society of Cardiology. In the past two years, a total of ten papers have been published in German and American cardiac medical journals.

In 1982, Professor Andre Cournand, the Nobel laureate, and Professor P. J. Cannon, director of the Department of Cardiology, invited him to work as a clinician in the Department of Cardiology, Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University School of Medicine, and engaged in nuclear cardiology. Later opened in New Jersey. Dr. Ye deeply felt that the world is like floating clouds, which disappear in a blink of an eye. He preached the gospel everywhere and led people to the Lord. In addition, he also compiled a book of the Gospel that he had preached to scholars around him over the years, and published "Truth‧Life", which has been widely praised by believers and friends of the Gospel at home and abroad.

Interview with Dr. Ye Xiaolin, MD: Eternal Life (5)

Dr. Raymond A. Moody, known as the "Father of Near-Death Experiences," has aroused great repercussions since his new book "Glimpse of Eternity" was published last year. The book records the visions of many healthy family members who shared their loved ones' passing away and going to heaven, leaving an indelible impression on readers. It is true that people have a soul, so it is necessary to clarify the destination of our life.

As the first person to report on Life After Life and NDE-Near Death Experience research, Dr. Ye Xiaolin gave high praise after reading "A Glimpse of Eternity". He said that the testimonies included in Moody's new book are all true and credible, confirming that life continues to exist after the end of life, which gives people great hope, joy, encouragement and comfort.

Dr. Ye Xiaolin, a doctor of medicine, recently accepted an exclusive interview with this newspaper again. He selected 12 cases of individual death experiences from "A Glimpse of Eternity" to share with readers. He hopes that friends who have not yet believed in Jesus can use these testimonies to accept the Lord Jesus. Salvation on the cross of Christ, rebirth, salvation, and eternal life.

Note: Reporter of this newspaper

Ye: Dr. Ye Xiaolin

Reporter: Please briefly introduce Dr. Raymond A. Moody, a pioneer in the study of near-death experiences, and his new book "A Glimpse of Eternity".

Ye: In 1975, Raymond A. Moody, MD. PhD was the first to compile the experiences of 150 dying patients into a book. His masterpiece "Life After Life" was a best-seller and was translated into many languages. People call him the father of near-death experiences. In 1978, the International Association for Near Death Studies (IANDS) was established and published the Journal of Near Death Studies. An estimated 15 million people in the United States have had a near-death experience. Dr. Raymond A. Moody is the author of 11 books, which have sold more than 20 million copies domestically and internationally.

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Introducing Moody's experience, I have to mention his mentor George G. Ritchie. Dr. Ritchie is a leading figure in the study of near-death experiences. He is Moody's first teacher who collects and studies near-death experiences, and has a great influence on Moody.

"Return from Tomorrow" written by Ritchie records the journey of his soul leaving his body during the nine minutes of his death. The book became a best-seller upon its publication.

Now let’s briefly introduce Ritchie’s testimony. In 1943, 20-year-old Ritchie suddenly suffered from bilobar pneumonia while training at the Barkeley Army Camp in Texas. His body temperature reached 106.5 degrees Fahrenheit. He died in a hyperthermic coma. His spirit body left his body and flew to Richmond. Later, he decided to return. Returning to the hospital ward, the small room was filled with light. He met Christ, and then followed Christ to get a glimpse of heaven. The houses and streets were resplendent and sparkling. It was so beautiful there, and when he was reluctant to leave, the light suddenly disappeared, and his spirit returned to his body.

After his military service expired in 1946, Ritchie taught at the university after graduating from Virginia Medical School, often talking about his experience to students.

In 2010, Christian Guideposts published Glimpse of Eternity by Dr. Raymond Moody. This book features numerous healthy families sharing visions of their loved ones passing away and going to heaven. So it was named Share Death Experience – SDE to share the experience of death. After I finished reading, I was greatly inspired. These practical testimonies were all seen, heard and experienced by healthy family members. There was also an unprecedented miraculous testimony from Dr. Raymond Moody’s family. Let us know more clearly that after the end of this life, we will transition to the eternal spiritual world. Confirmation of the continuation of life beyond the end of life. Give people great hope, joy, encouragement and comfort.

Reporter: Please share some wonderful content in "A Glimpse of Eternity".

Ye: Now we have specially selected 12 cases of SDE for the readers. This is a very important discovery that the spirits of healthy family members also leave their bodies and see visions of eternity and heaven.

The Bible teaches us: "It is sown a natural body, but it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there will also be a spiritual body... Now I tell you a mystery: Do we not all sleep?" (death), but all shall be changed....the mortal shall become immortal." (1 Corinthians 15:42-57)

Listed first is the first witness Raymond Moody met with a Shared Death Experience (SDE) with a loved one. In 1972 Raymond Moody, PhD met Dr. Jamieson, a respected teacher, while studying at Georgia Medical College. Two years ago, my mother suddenly suffered cardiac arrest at home, so she was immediately given cardiopulmonary resuscitation and mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. However, after 30 minutes of resuscitation, the rescue was ineffective and she died. Dr. Jamieson was exhausted at that time. Suddenly she felt her spirit body leave her body and fly up into the air. Together with her mother's spirit body, she watched the scene below. Then she said goodbye to her mother. She smiled and was extremely happy. , completely different from the corpse underneath. There was a bright light in the sky, and Dr. Jamieson saw many deceased friends of her mother and friends she knew and did not know were also in the light. Then, the mother floated into the light to rendezvous with her friends, and finally the light seemed to close the camera lens again, and the light disappeared. Dr. Jamieson found her back in her body, standing next to her mother. She was in a trance, confused, hesitant, and puzzled.

Until the 1980s, it was common to hear near-death experiences (NDEs) and testimonies of shared death experiences (SDEs). In the United States and international medical conferences and hospitals, a lot of SDE materials have been obtained.

The other is a vivid testimony of Dana recounting a film review of their life together with her husband. On her 55th birthday, her husband, Johnny, was told by a doctor that he had lung cancer and could only survive for 6 months. It was a bolt from the blue and I was at a loss. From the next day, he quit his job, stayed at home and in the hospital day and night, and stayed with him until his death. When she passed away, she felt an electric current pass through her body, as if a finger had been electrocuted, but far milder. Immediately, the entire ward was filled with bright white light, and it was known that Christ had come. Jesus quickly showed Johnny's many deeds in his youth, before marriage, and the circumstances of their lives in a movie scene by his bedside, reviewing them together. At this time, the deceased daughter also came to hug him. Strangely, they saw the scene of the two of them standing side by side in Atlanta when they were in elementary school, watching Diorama and laughing happily.

Note: There may be skeptics who will easily deny that only one person shared the death experience (SDE), thinking it is a fantasy.

Yeh: Next, I will list the testimonies of the following four people, which they saw at the same time at the hospital bed.

Miss Anderson, her two brothers and her husband were all in the room. Her
mother had been ill for a long time and was now critically ill. Her breathing was short and irregular. She had not spoken for several hours and was on the verge of death. Suddenly, a strong bright light appeared in the room, which was very different from all kinds of bright lights in the world. All four were very surprised. Soon my mother died of illness. At the same time, the bright and intense light condensed to form a mist-like channel. Everyone saw the mother's spirit body leave the driving body, soar up into the sky, and enter the channel. They really felt infinite joy and joy. His sister heard beautiful music again.

Mr. Sykes was an Alzheimer's patient with a rapidly progressive course and died a year after his diagnosis. Two months before his death, he had almost entered a stupor-type vegetative state, which is a typical late stage of Alzheimer's disease. He did not know his whereabouts and did not recognize his wife. Speech incoherent, do not understand the surrounding things and the environment. There were severe convulsions a week before death. On the day of death, there were very strange movements. He sat up suddenly from the bed and spoke in a clear voice, but not to those present. His eyes were sharp, his head was turned upward, and he talked to Huge in a loud and clear voice, with occasional laughter. Just like two people sitting in a cafe, chatting and laughing. The nursing staff thought Huge was his deceased relative, but his wife immediately clarified and told him that Huge was Sykes's younger brother, who lived in Massachusetts and was in good health. She had just talked to him on the phone yesterday about his critical illness. The next day his wife found out that when Sykes was talking with his brother yesterday, it was when Huge died of a sudden myocardial infarction. Medical staff thought Sykes was delirious and speaking gibberish at the time, but it is now clear that he was talking to his brother who had just died.

Juan, a very warm and conscientious young man, told the experience of his elder brother's death during the meeting in Spain. He was in the living room with his sister-in-law when his elder brother stepped in, suddenly tripped and passed out. He immediately went to hug his eldest brother and dragged him to the sofa. His sister-in-law rushed to call an ambulance. While waiting for the ambulance crew to arrive, he suddenly saw his brother's mood change from extremely nervous to unusually quiet, with a peaceful smile on his face. He was very peaceful. astonished them. Suddenly, Juan felt him rising up in the air, close to the ceiling, looking down at the scene below, and saw him hovering above his eldest brother, and saw his brother's spirit body also leaving his body, forming a bright light rising in his chest, quickly moving away from Juan. Go and say goodbye to him. After his eldest brother left, he felt that he could not return to his body. But he didn't feel panic. Instead, he said to himself relaxedly and joyfully, "This is what is called death." When the ambulance crew arrived, Juan returned to his body and smiled at his brother's body. He did not explain to the visitors, otherwise they would have sent him to the hospital.

During Dr. Moody's meeting in Seattle, a man named Dave came and told him about his experience when his wife died several years ago. She had just completed a course of chemotherapy. She felt uncomfortable and was resting in her bedroom. Dave was standing in the kitchen when he suddenly heard his wife say to her: "I just passed away. Everything is fine. Don't worry." Dave was extremely frightened and immediately ran into the bedroom and was horrified to find that his wife had just died on the bed. Strangely, I saw my mother-in-law lying on her daughter's body, coming to welcome her back to her heavenly home. My mother-in-law passed away 30 years ago. Today I witnessed the mother and daughter reunited, happily hugging each other, spiraling out of the room and flying into the sky. It really comforted Dave to hear his wife's happy voice saying, "Cheer up and live a happy life every day!"

On Mother's Day, May 8, 1994, Dr. Raymond Moody stayed on the phone with his mother for nearly an hour and learned that she had a rash on her arm yesterday and that she would go to a dermatologist tomorrow. The next day, I received a crying call from Sister Kay. The doctor confirmed that my mother had malignant lymphadenoma. The cancer cells grew extremely rapidly and were incurable. She could only survive for 2 weeks. When the bad news came, the family immediately flew to Macon, Georgia's home, so that her mother could have relatives by her side to give her the love of her family in her last days. For the last two days, she was in a coma in the hospital. Before she died, she opened her eyes and said to everyone cordially, "I love you very much." The sisters, the couple, Raymond, and Cheryl's family, six people, held hands around her mother's bedside, waiting for death to come.

At this time, everyone found that the shape of the room had changed. 4 out of 6 people felt like they were rising from the ground. Raymond himself felt the room change into the shape of a timer. And there is strong push and pull to rise. Sister Kay pointed to the end of the bed and exclaimed: "Look! Her father is there, he has come back to pick her up." There was a soft and fuzzy light in the house, just like the light in the swimming pool at night. The room was filled with great joy, knowing that incredible visions of heaven had indeed occurred when my mother passed away.

After the funeral, the family stayed at the Macon home for several days. In the meantime, he also talked about the unusual deeds in his mother's ward. Each person who shared their experience of their mother's death had a personal, beautiful, unique, and spiritual testimony. Brother-in-law Rick Lanford, a Methodist minister, shared, "I felt like my body entered another plane at the same time as my mother. I have never had such a wonderful experience." Everyone felt the same and completely agreed with his feelings. The moment of intense grief over the death of a loved one suddenly transforms into overflowing joy and elation. The whole family flew to heaven with their mother for a short distance. Everyone witnessed their mother leaving the world and entering heaven.

This is a particularly surprising case of SDE in the book "Parting Visions" by Dr. Melvin Morse. In 1988, Olga Gerhardt of San Diago suffered from a heart virus infection, resulting in heart failure and weak heartbeat. She needed a heart transplant to survive. She was placed on the waiting list for a heart transplant at the University of California Medical Center. Patients must wait for a deceased person with a matching blood type to go to a hospital for a heart transplant within a few hours. Olga Gerhardt's whole family (a large family) was notified and asked to come to the hospital during the operation to provide moral support. In early 1989, I was notified by the hospital that the heart I needed had been obtained. Olga and her husband immediately went to the hospital, and all family members from three states in the United States rushed to the hospital. The waiting room was full of relatives. The only person absent from the family is the son-in-law, who has a phobia of hospitals and can only wait for news at home. At night, the chest was opened in the operating room and the heart transplant was performed. The operation was successful. At 2:15 AM in the morning, complications suddenly occurred. The newly transplanted heart beat abnormally, causing the heart to stop beating. After a long period of resuscitation and rescue, the heart finally returned to normal. It was not until 6 a.m. that the family was notified that the transplanted heart had stopped and he almost died. Now everything is safe and the operation is successful. So, the daughter immediately telegraphed the good news to her husband.

He replied: "I already knew it. Olga came to tell me personally." When he woke up at 2:15 AM in the morning, he saw his mother-in-law standing at the end of the bed. He sat up in shock and asked why. She said, "I'm fine, I'll recover soon, don't worry." Then she disappeared without a trace. This vision did not frighten the son-in-law, who immediately got up and recorded the exact time of her appearance. When the family visited the ward, she was about to tell her family about the miraculous deeds during the operation. Her spirit body left her body and she watched the doctors rescuing her. Then I went to the rash room and saw my relatives, but I couldn't talk to them. Then I decided to go to my daughter's house, about 30 miles away from the hospital, to talk to my son-in-law. She must have been standing at the end of his bed, telling him everything was fine.

Dr. Melvin Morse and Paul Perry spent a lot of time investigating doctors and family members to verify the research and prove that it is completely consistent with the facts and accurate. Dr. Morse wrote: "This cannot be dismissed as hallucinations or a chemical imbalance in the brain. The only explanation is that Olga was connected to a cardiopulmonary bypass machine, the transplanted heart stopped, and her spirit body was able to leave the body and fly. He went to his daughter's house 30 miles away and talked with his son-in-law who was sleeping on the bed.

Ye: Skeptics believe that near-death experiences (NDEs) are caused by hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, hypoxia, chemical imbalances, electrical stimulation of the right temporal lobe of the brain, and increased carbon dioxide levels in the blood. However, the above scientific theories can be completely rejected through the testimony of these examples.

There is also the testimony narrated by Mr. Eduardo: his mother is a well-respected woman in the community of Barcelona, Spain, who serves enthusiastically in the church and loves the Lord and others. My mother suffered from breast cancer, and she stayed at home to take care of her in her last days. When Eduardo was about to die, he was sitting next to his mother's bed. She suddenly sat up straight and hugged him with her arms, her eyes shining like pearls. I saw a spherical light about 6-7 feet wide surrounding them, and the furniture and walls changed their shapes. In the bright light, the scenes of his birth and childhood, as well as the image of his mother in childhood, which were unknown before, were clearly and vividly displayed before his eyes. Incredibly, Christ was also in the ball of light, with them, and he felt a closer relationship with God. The mother's spirit gradually moves away from Eduardo's spirit. When the mother died, she left the body and the ball of light disappeared. Eduardo himself returns to his body. He thanked God for allowing him to accompany his mother. Go to Heaven's Gate.

Here is an example of a shared death experience SDE, in which all seven phenomena occur:

1. The shape of the room changes.

2. A strange light appears in the room.

3. Hear beautiful and pleasant music.

4. Healthy relatives leave the body together with the spirit body of the deceased.

5. Healthy relatives and the deceased review life experiences together.

6. At the moment of dying, a white mist appears on the chest for a moment.

7. See a vision of heaven and meet Christ.

Jane, who has been married to her husband for 30 years, is suffering from cancer and is unconscious. The doctor told her that she is about to die. She held his hand for several hours, and suddenly she felt energy passing through her body, like static electricity. She felt terrified and knew that her husband was dead. I also saw a stream of white mist emerging from my chest, and then dispersed. Suddenly, the room was filled with white light. Jane was very dizzy at this time and found that her spirit body left her body and floated above her husband's bed, next to the deceased. What's even more surprising is that her husband also flew up into the air and stood next to her with a smile on his face, completely different from the deceased below. While the couple was hovering in space, God showed them a life experience. It's also like watching a movie of her life, from the joyful first meeting, to her experiences during the decline of her illness, and finally her death. See again that the fragment is only a portrayal of the husband's life. Then, the two of them moved to the corner of the room, the shape of the whole room was constantly changing, and a passage was exposed near the ceiling, and the couple entered heaven. The surrounding scenery is like a beautiful garden, with exotic flowers and plants, shining, and hearing beautiful music, it is really refreshing. Moving forward at the same time, approaching the small river, Jane found that she could not go any further. She is happy, and her husband is carefree, painless, at ease, freed from the body of death. So I said goodbye to my husband. Instantly, Jane returned to her body. Instead of being sad, she was elated and full of joy, knowing that his spirit body had overcome physical death.

An anesthesiologist in Florida, he cares deeply about patients and can restrain his emotions, possessing the character necessary for an anesthesiologist. His father was a severe alcoholic, so he was very active in public affairs, focusing on abused women and children in shelters. He loves God with all his heart, and he and God are established in personal and true communication, have an intimate relationship with Him all day long, and pray without ceasing. The anesthesiologist often introduces himself to the patient the day before surgery and informs the patient about the procedure the next day. One day, he was rounding the ward in the ward when he heard the angel say to him clearly, "Go and see the patient on the left side of the next ward. So he immediately entered the room and saw that the patient had difficulty breathing
and his eyes were horrified. He also saw a DNR (do not resuscitate) doctor's note and knew that he was close to death. The patient said to him in a rough voice: "I'm going to die, I'm afraid! please help me. As he spoke, the doctor heard the angel say again, "Don't worry, you can go with him." When he bent down and touched the patient, their spiritual bodies left their bodies at the same time and crossed over to another level, entering Passage, fly to the other shore. At this point, the patient showed joy and was later surrounded by others, possibly his deceased family members. Here, too, he stopped looking at the doctor. Immediately, the doctor's own spirit body returned to the body, and the patient's body was on the bed next to him. He knelt down beside the bed and thanked God for giving him such a wonderful experience.

Grandmother Nana was 97 years old, suffering from heart failure, and was in a coma for the last few days. She is willing to stay at home, rest in bed, and have a nurse come to take care of her every day. Family members often surrounded her bedside to greet her and pay their respects. Unexpectedly, that day was her last moment. Her elder sister and younger sister entered the bedroom. They suddenly laughed uncontrollably and could not stop their laughter. I felt dizzy again and saw the light inside the room becoming very bright. This light was completely different from electric lamps and fluorescent lamps. It was bright but not dazzling. The bedroom vibrates and sways slightly while changing its shape into an oblong spiral. They felt drunk, but knew they were perfectly normal. When the nurse came in, she smiled and said, "I see this all the time. Her time is up." Everyone's eyes were filled with tears and joy. Then the father came. He didn't feel anything unusual and thought his daughters were mentally disturbed.

They experienced firsthand the joy of sending their grandmother home to heaven. Their lives have been changed. She experienced the last moment of her life with her grandmother and witnessed the happiness of truly "returning home".

The best gift Nana gives them is: joy and happiness. There is no sadness of passing away. Although they often miss her, they firmly believe that one day, everyone will meet again in heaven.

Reporter: What significance do these testimonies of sharing death experiences have for us? How can one obtain eternal life?

Yip: As Dr. Raymond Moody said: "I have been studying near-death experiences for nearly 50 years. I have heard thousands of people's vivid testimonies of journeys to the other side. Each case of SDE and NDE is different. But they all have similar strange phenomena. I completely believe their testimony. From then on, they are no longer afraid of death, and they all have confidence, knowing that we are living in the body now, and after the end of life, the spirit body will continue to exist forever. .Eternity is real! Heaven is real!”

The metamorphosis of an ugly caterpillar into a beautiful flying butterfly is a perfect example of a complete transformation from a life of bondage to a life of freedom.

Research in this field is in the ascendant in the scientific community, and there are many reports and hypotheses. But one must discern the spirits, and anything that is not in line with the Bible cannot be accepted. And beware of Satan. He can also pretend to be an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14), allowing unbelievers to see the light and deceiving the world that they can be saved without Christ.

The Bible tells us: You shall have no other gods before me. (Exodus 20:3) Look to me, all the ends of the earth, and you will be saved, for I am God, and there is no other. (Isaiah 45:22)

There is now a large amount of medical and scientific clinical research data proving that life does continue to exist after the end of life. Only by accepting the salvation of the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ, gaining the new life of the Lord’s resurrection, and being reborn and saved can we obtain eternal life. The Lord says, “Whoever lives and believes in me will never die.”

About Dr. Raymond A. Moody

Raymond A. Moody, born June 30, 1944.

Graduated from the University of Virginia in 1966, BA. Received MA in 1967; PhD in 1969

He also received a doctorate in psychology from West Georgia University, and later became a professor after his PhD.

Obtained a doctorate of medicine from the Medical College of Georgia in 1976, and served as a psychiatrist.

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Moody, Raymond M.D.; Glimpes Of Eternity, Guideposts, New York, New York, 2010

*Spiritual Body = Spirit, Soul, Self, Being, Consciousness, Heart, Mind, Psyche, Thought …etc.

Brief introduction of Dr. Ye Xiaolin:

Dr. Ye Xiaolin, when he was an attending physician in the Department of Cardiology, Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Second Medical University in 1979, was invited by Professor F. Loogen, President of the European Society of Cardiology, and Professor G. Breithardt, Chairman of the Scientific Committee, to go to the Department of Cardiology, University of Dusseldorf, West Germany. The Department is engaged in the scientific research of cardiac clinical medicine. After going abroad, he obtained a German doctor's license and a medical doctor's degree the following year. He is the only Chinese member of the German Heart Society. In the past two years, a total of ten papers have been published in German and American cardiac medical journals.

In 1982, Professor Andre Cournand, the Nobel laureate, and Professor P. J. Cannon, director of the Department of Cardiology, invited him to work as a clinician in the Department of Cardiology, Presbyterian Hospital, Columbia University School of Medicine, and engaged in nuclear cardiology. Later opened in New Jersey. Dr. Ye deeply felt that the world is like floating clouds, which disappear in a blink of an eye. He preached the gospel everywhere and led people to the Lord. In addition, he also compiled a book of the Gospel that he had preached to scholars around him over the years, and published "Truth‧Life", which has been widely praised by believers and friends of the Gospel at home and abroad.